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Reply Button Stopped Working

  • @daughterknight


    The reply button on the Activity Stream has suddenly stopped working. When you hit the button the page refreshes and the reply box appears momentarily and disappears. It has been working fine for about a year and now it has stopped.

    I am using the BP Columns theme . Can anyone help?

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  • @daughterknight


    Some more information on this. I have the latest version of BP Columns (I re-installed it in case that was the problem). The Activity Stream does not naturally appear on the front page so I made a template to force it to do so – however this has been working fine for months and then the reply button just stopped working.

    What happens when you hit “reply” on an Activity Stream item is that the page refreshes and the reply box appears very briefly and then vanishes. The address in the address bar is I believe the reply box address, eg [the-site]/?ac=5476/#ac-form-5476.

    Can anyone please help with this problem?



    What did you do before it stopped working?



    I am not certain as it was probably a little while before it was discovered, but I had done that thing of changing:

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]


    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]

    In htaccess and renaming blogs.php – I know this should have been done long ago, but it caused various problems in the past (such as avatar pictures not showing in Firefox) so I had reverted to blogs.php again.

    I also reverted after this problem started, but with no effect.

    I have no idea if this is connected and tend to think it isn’t, but it is about the only change made around this time apart from installing the latest WordPress (I didn’t install the new Buddypress until after the problem started – and it didn’t cure it).



    Oh – this may be an additional clue – when one enters a new update via the “What’s New” box a the top of the page, the update appears as normal, but the entered text remains in the entry box even after the page has refreshed and the update appears. This never happened before.



    try changing the line 60 in activity / entry

    change: <a href=<?php bp_get_activity_comment_link();
    to: <a href="#<?php echo bp_get_activity_comment_link();

    i made the change, and it seems to work

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