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Suggestions: Best Tutorial textbook for classroom instruction of BP & Wp for Facebook sites?

  • @leofitz


    Would the Buddypress developers or any users have a favorite tutorial text they could recommended to take university students new to WordPress and Buddypress through the 1,2,3 steps needed to build a completed site with functions like Facebook, an e-magazine, or an e-newspaper+ forum ?

    I’ve had good success with the format used by the Adobe Press Classrooom-in-a-book tutorials for Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop that include all the construction files, required to build incremental elements of the final project.

    I’ve located tutorial resources for BuddyPress online or in print that provide different parts of this build process, but no single text that packages it like the Adobe Press tutorials. I’m sure its out there, so any recommendations would be appreciated.

    I’m currently teaching outside the USA so can’t easily go down to my local Barnes and Noble and scan the shelves.


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