had similar prob earlier and it was my statcounter code i added that had a div with ‘center’ in it and it center aligned everything.
Looked in your code and found these 2 bits
Maybe try changing them to Left or removing them might help?
Not an expert, just throwing it out there as that solved my problem earlier.
Good luck.
sorry this program keeps taking my code out…
@alexpee you have set the text to align to centre in this line:
#horizontal-outer-widgets-1, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 {text-align: center;}
I would go to your source code.
Do a search or ctrl+F on the word center.
2 of them could be changed to left
@alexpee that line is on 1554 of your style.css file, that is forcing your text to align in the centre
Thanks remstar and ewebber for replying
i was working on recently active avatars and had to add a div in the widget (that uses the horizontal-outer-widgets-1, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 ) ive taken out the text-align completely on those
i even took the above widget out and the posts are still aligned to the center
Did you take line 1554 out of your style.css – removing that line in chrome inspector aligned it left for me.
ok that was strange – i had to edit my original style sheet to get that center out i was trying to find it on my child theme
thanks again for your help