I really hope you’re wrong about that as this ongoing issue was meant to have been corrected once and for all in 1.2.6. 
I’m afraid so.

But if my memory doesn’t betray me, I think it’s a different part of the private messaging system that’s showing the wrong time now.

it’s displaying utc time by the looks of things at least my time stamp is an hour behind our present utc +1
checking and on the dev install I was working on I hadn’t set local time in WP settings
Let me know what you discover, hnla
Not looking good having set my local time correctly and WP settings showing UTC and my local time messaging time stamps have now jumped ahead of my local time by 1 hour
Alas, both of you are correct.
trying to track down bp_core_current_time() my batch find locates references to it but I can’t find actual parent function
cool cheers.
this is/was the relevant ticket I guess?
Thinking the issue lies with:
function lives in:
/buddypress/bp-messages/bp-messages-templatetags.php: line 288
would guess at the filter
is possibly to blame but will have to see if the ticket sheds light on it
Fix is simply that
should have been changed but likely missed to:
I think you’re half right – testing a fix.
I’m in the right area but run out of things to test tried bp_core_time_since but that we know works but returns unformatted plain time since and that doesn’t look correct so it must be the get_date_from_gmt function ?
That seems to have done the trick paul
that strtotime is one of those php functions I never seem to remember
If @paulhastings0 can confirm it works, I’ll put it in.
@djpaul @hnla
I can confirm that this works… I had exact same issue with timestamp OMGPIZZA patch fixed it.
Cool. It’s in the 1.2 branch now. It’s not up to me but I suspect we may do another release in due course to put this in and any other fixes we find.
@djpaul I agree… probably a 1.2.61 or something… It seems like there are a couple of other little “bugs” that should have been cleared cropping up as I read through the forums… Thanks for the fix.
@hnla @djpaul So sorry yall, I’ve been at a conference that past few days with limited web access and then had an all-day meeting today. I’ll take a spin with it tomorrow. 
@djpaul @hnla So far so good. You mentioned that this is now in branch, but does that mean it’ll make it into 1.2.7 or do we need to do something more in the Trac?