Hi Greg,
Put this in bp-custom.php
this should allow you to see their profile.
Thanks Brajesh. Added the line, no luck.
Hi Greg, which version of wp/bp you are using. Also, is it multisite install(I guess, It is). Have you used anything to enable spaces in username, because wpms/bp does not allow spaces in name by default?
wp 3.1.4 and bp 1.2.8, yes, ms.
No, nothing to enable spaces. That’s the weird part. we’ve never had a space/dash signup before.
There are a bunch of issues in BP 1.2.9 to do with spaces in user names and other weirdness (for example, in @mentions). BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE basically tells BP to look up the user name in the URL against the wp_user table’s user_login column. By default, it uses the user_nicename column.
I think the answer might be to change this user’s nicename. What does it look like in the database?
I’m signing them up again…
You think fixed in 1.2.9?
No, but (afaik) definitely on 1.3. Try to break it on testbp.org if you get bored!
I have the opposite problem. I’m starting a site where users will sign up with first and last name as their username with a space between the first and last.
What do I need to change so the site won’t convert an entered username of ‘Steven Sanchez’ to ‘Steven-Sanchez’? I’d like the site to accept usernames with a space.