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What happens if I remove this function from functions.php?

  • @tridian


    Hello BuddyPress community, I am writing here because I’ve installed a plugin for WP that appears to conflict w/ BuddyPress. I think I have found the issue but I am not a programmer so I wanted to ask for your advice to find out what the implications of my fix will be. There is a function in the BP default theme functions.php that if removed, fixes the plugin problem. If the function is added back in, the plugin breaks. Here’s the function…

    /* Load the activity stream template if settings allow */
    function bp_dtheme_page_on_front_template( $template ) {
    global $wp_query;

    if ( empty( $wp_query->post->ID ) )
    return locate_template( array( ‘activity/index.php’ ), false );
    return $template;
    add_filter( ‘page_template’, ‘bp_dtheme_page_on_front_template’ );

    Can someone please advise me of the implications of what will happen if I remove this function entirely?

    Thanks very much for your time

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