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Admin bar links wont work after directory change (possible .htacess error)

  • @dannyodwyer


    Hi guys, thanks in advance for any help. Hoping its somthing obvious.

    I’ve installed BP on my site recently. I can’t remember if it was before or after that, but in the past few days I changed the site directory from to the root (so

    All my own links work fine (with the exception of screenshots which I guess I’ll have to re-link myself). But whenver I use the admin bar in Buddypress, they don’t work. The link brings me to and a Page Not Found error. However if I put the /wp into that address (making it then the link works fine. PROFILE, MESSAGES and FRIENDS don’t work, but any non-profile links (such as GROUPS and ACTIVITY) work just fine and use the correct links (without the /wp)

    I’ve checked the plugin files and the database for any residual “/wp” references, but nothing is there that would explain why ONLY the profile buddypress admin links aren’t pickung up on the new permalinks. I’ve tried

    The curveball in this is that I don’t have a htaccess.dist file on the server (deleted by accident – i know, really dumb).
    If its worth anything my .htacess file reads as follows (seems a bit light, right? no BP references):

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

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  • @dannyodwyer


    Can anybody lend me a hand?

    Even to show me what the default htacess.dist file looks like (cant find a copy anywhere)



    I was having a hard time trying to find the .htaccess file on my iMac, until I figured out that it is a hidden file (I’m working on MAMP Pro). If that is your case (Mac) , you have to unhide it.



    Thanks Vera, but I figured that nasty issue out earlier. Actually found the .dist file on my other machine in the meantime, but if I use it as the .htaccess file if returns a server error (500).

    That was only a guess at the problem anyway – it might not actually be the issue. Like I said it’s only those specific links that reference a user page. It’s a funny one. Ill try add more info as I investigate.

    Anybody else have any idea where permalink data may be held for Buddypress?



    Okay I fixed it this morning, feeling relieved and dumb.

    I went back over the changing directory readme:

    And realised that I still had multisite enabled (which I dont want to use). The bottom of the page mentioned thas it doesn’t work with directory switches such as this, so I took away the line (define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );) in the wp_config file and everything works fine now.

    It had nothing to do with htaccess.

    Oh, and here is a look at the site so far for anybody who’s interested:

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