It should work. Does your activity stream work for content generated in BuddyPress?
Hi Paul – thanks for the reply!
Yep it does – works for everything: Posting new stories in the blog. Commenting on other people’s profiles. Making groups, etc. The only thing it doesn’t work for is the forum.
If it helps, I literally installed Buddypress from within the latest version of WordPress and I installed the stand-alone bbPress forums from within the Buddypress forum settings.
Hope someone can help me out. My BuddyPress works perfectly . Everything works fine. Except the reply on my Activity stream. I am able to make new comment or new post on the Activity ( . But whenever i reply to a comment . it responds. to 404 page. ( .
what i have done so far:
edited my bp-activity-template.php ; line 1797 ( ` return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_activity_comment_form_action’, home_url( bp_get_activity_root_slug() . ‘/reply/’ ) );
} `. )
my .htaccess file works fine.
I have upgraded and used version 1.2 – 1.5.4
all gave the same response whenever i reply a comment on my activity stream. ( 404 error Page Not found.)
Please help.
Hi again Paul, here is the forum post on the site:
And here is the admin activity page:
I did change the url that was /forums/ to /community/ in bbPress, because that was already taken up by Buddypress, even though the forums weren’t completely set up. 
Hi guys, FYI: I tried to raise this via the ‘report bugs here’ link but my login details wouldn’t work.