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Unable to install BP on my site

  • Mickael


    Using wp network 3.0.1

    subdomain install

    WP was working fine before trying to install BP

    i have Akismet, All in One SEO Pack, BuddyPress Template Pack, cets_blog_defaults, WPMU Google Sitemap and WP Super Cache installer

    Now, im getting an “are you cheating?” error after installing BP (directly after pressing activate plugin) and then im unable to log on the my account and it says i have sufficient permissions, if i try to log on directly from my site it just redirect me to the site first page.

    here is a thread with the exact same problem

    what we have in common is that we both use other language installed WP not sure if that matters but it made me think, well i hope someone can solve this issue, i also noticed that i had the exact same problem after installing admin bars of most kinds.

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  • Mickael


    I just solved the problem, it was what i thought, the installed language, someone should report this and try to fix BP on other languaged installed other than the english version of WP :D

    Hmm. So, you’re saying, if I have a non-English version of WordPress (maybe MS subdomain specific), and I try to activate the BuddyPress plugin, it’ll fail and give me the “are you cheatin'” message?

    The problem goes away if you removed your localisation? You changed nothing else?



    yes i installed the plugin first with the swedish version the one i use and it failed, then installed a english version and it worked.

    I’ve just tried it (BP 1.2.6 / Branch 1.2) , WP 3.0.1 and I can’t recreate this. Anyone else got any feedback?

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