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User Statistics Reporting in Buddypress?

  • @aikighost


    Hi there I’m not currently a buddypress user and need to ask a few questions about available functionality before jumping in. I work in web support for an academic department and one of the projects we are involved in deals with a large email list which we were considering changing over to a private community format. the current administrator of the list collects statistics on list members as the board of the research project find it useful. So anyway on to the actual questions.

    Is it easy to add custom fields (tickboxes) to the signup form and automatically add new members to specific groups according to the boxes they tick?
    Is there any statistic reporting that would allow an admin to see how many members of each group we have, how many members in each country, how many members from each university, etc?

    The academic in charge requires this functionality or using buddypress is a no go and well have to go the joomla, drupal or aMember route. Id prefer to use buddypress if possible as I’m a bit of a wordpress evangelist in the university and would like to get a great example of an academic community in buddypress out there for my peers to see.

    Sorry for wittering on so much, Cheers

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