1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
Ah dont worry. My server host made me take BP off anyway. Even though I was on a VPS seems that they dont like plugins 🙁
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
BuddyPress Theme Compatibility
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
no, I just took off some plugins that I had run for a while and thats all, so I have no idea what they have done. If only I could get the template compatible thing to work again 🙁
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
It worked beffore. When I put the compatible template on first then it loaded it beautifully. But now it will not let me load it again. Real nuisance.
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
@mercime No difference 🙁
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
@mercime Ok no, I see no adminbar.css in the header.
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
@mercime I didnt but some strange things have happened recently and I had to remove some plugins. I have a feeling they have messed me up somewhere.
I have a job to make sense of my theme as it is Atahualpa but I will go see, thank you
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Double Trouble in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
Hi sorry I didnt see someone had answered. Erm I do not know what I am loking for. I did the BP template compatibility thing and ended up with two links. I had the admin bar above but that’s vanished now all of a sudden and is in a long list under the site LOL […]
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Admin Bar is missing / dissapeared in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
I have the in footer.php and did not do anything to the theme but suddenly the admin bar is in a list under my site.
Please help someone… it’s a long way down 🙁 -
1stAngel started the forum topic Double Trouble in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 10 months ago
Has anyone any idea why I am showing two of everything (see image) SO weird!! http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/3649/doubledup.jpg
1stAngel posted an update 13 years, 10 months ago
Has anyone any idea why I am showing two of everything (see image) SO weird!! http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/3649/doubledup.jpg
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Alignment issue with BuddyPress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 2 months ago
I have looked at the instructions also and am lost totally lol None of my pages are listed properly but are stepped. I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to look at on my themes index and even when I changed the header and footer section on Members it stayed stepped. All the […]
1stAngel posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
LOL no worries…. yesterday will do 🙂
1stAngel posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
it doesnt work and i use Firefox. I have an orange background now but nothing else has changed. I do not use the default theme and I think it must be that.
I have opened membership so if you want to come and play you can.
1stAngel posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
I will have to make you a member and explain to everyone as it is by nomination membership lol pm me your email address and a username and I will let you in 🙂
At a glance it looks like it should be working with your theme. Sooooo don’t need access…
I’m in the process of fixing a bug that comes up with Internet Explorer. Will let you know when this is done, since that might possibly also have affected your installation.
I’m going on the assumption that it’s borked.
it doesnt work and i use Firefox. I have an orange background now but nothing else has changed. I do not use the default theme and I think it must be that.
I have opened membership so if you want to come and play you can.
1stAngel posted a new activity comment 14 years, 8 months ago
Awesome, many thanks!
I wrote some notes in the FAQs, but they are developer directed. If you need me to look at your site, I’d be more than happy to. I would not need admin access, just a group to play with. I can prolly help you from there. You can pm me the address if you want.
I will have to make you a member and explain to everyone as it is by nomination membership lol pm me your email address and a username and I will let you in 🙂
At a glance it looks like it should be working with your theme. Sooooo don’t need access…
I’m in the process of fixing a bug that comes up with Internet Explorer. Will let you know when this is done, since that might possibly also have affected your installation.
I’m going on the assumption that it’s borked.
it doesnt work and i use Firefox. I have an orange background now but nothing else has changed. I do not use the default theme and I think it must be that.
I have opened membership so if you want to come and play you can.
1stAngel posted an update in the group Buddypress Group CSS: 14 years, 8 months ago
How do I get the colours to show up on a different theme from default? I have it working except no colour changes are happening lol I am pretty thick when it comes to this stuff so small words would be awesome?
Hehe, my bad for not getting around to proper documentation yet. 😉 In fact, give me a day or two, I’ll have something written up. Better late than never.
Awesome, many thanks!
I wrote some notes in the FAQs, but they are developer directed. If you need me to look at your site, I’d be more than happy to. I would not need admin access, just a group to play with. I can prolly help you from there. You can pm me the address if you want.
I will have to make you a member and explain to everyone as it is by nomination membership lol pm me your email address and a username and I will let you in 🙂
At a glance it looks like it should be working with your theme. Sooooo don’t need access…
I’m in the process of fixing a bug that comes up with Internet Explorer. Will let you know when this is done, since that might possibly also have affected your installation.
I’m going on the assumption that it’s borked.
it doesnt work and i use Firefox. I have an orange background now but nothing else has changed. I do not use the default theme and I think it must be that.
I have opened membership so if you want to come and play you can.
1stAngel joined the group Buddypress Group CSS 14 years, 8 months ago
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Secure Invites for Mu in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 8 months ago
Ok, no it doesn’t work…. tested it and got… Sorry, you must be invited to join this community.
1stAngel posted on the forum topic Secure Invites for Mu in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 8 months ago
LOL I have made a folder mu-plugins (is that right, brain blank, should it have the s? Anyway now I have nothing in admin. Before I had it in plugins but sitewide activation and could set it up ok 😐 EDITED it cannot be inside another folder….has to be the php on its own… can […]
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Active 9 years, 5 months ago