Dfa327 started the forum topic Would anyone use Video Chat and Buddypress? in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 3 months ago
If I were to make a video chat for Buddypress do you think people would want it and use it? It would require a REAL server, not a shared hosting site as well as bandwidth, but I think I could do it as a plugin. But what people want it and use it? Is this […]
Dfa327 joined the group Requests & Feedback 14 years, 3 months ago
Dfa327 posted on the forum topic Buddypress-Ajax-Chat – Plugin not working : Fatal error in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 3 months ago
I didn’t realize this was a problem. I’ll go patch it today. Easy fix. Please friend me or something if there’s a problem. I didn’t see this one until someone on the wordpress forum pinged me. I’m happy to fix stuff, just need to know 😉
Dave -
Dfa327 posted on the forum topic "in_array" warning upon upgrading to WP & BP in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 3 months ago
Didn’t realize the plugin caused this. So sorry:( Did you ever figure out how/why by chance? I’m looking at upgrading the plugins I wrote.
Dave -
Dfa327 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
Math challenge is easy to bypass.
Custom question is as good as the first time you see it.
The proposed solution here works. You can’t hack it with the traditional tools. You just can’t. Hence why I think it is superior to anything else I’ve found. You can argue ( or opinion-ate) all you want, but my solution solves the problem and you can’t…[Read more]
Dfa327 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
This nested post is nice. I like the look & feel.
Show me a better solution to solve this annoying reg spam bot issue and I’ll be happy to listen. But this is the best method I’ve used bar none. One could inject a noscript element tag if they were passionate about losing javascript disabled browsers, but I’m not that interested in designing…[Read more]
Math challenge or custom question and answer.
Math challenge is easy to bypass.
Custom question is as good as the first time you see it.
The proposed solution here works. You can’t hack it with the traditional tools. You just can’t. Hence why I think it is superior to anything else I’ve found. You can argue ( or opinion-ate) all you want, but my solution solves the problem and you can’t…[Read more]
Whatever works for you is fine. I’ve never resorted to javascript.
Although nothing will stop manual spammers! 😉
Dfa327 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
That’s a weak argument. Sorry, but it is.
Web design should push as much as possible to the client side, aka javascript. You got a large suite of features with Jquery/ajax and javascript. Few people will run a browser without it now.
Next you’ll be saying frames are good? LOL.
Sorry if I sound harsh, but to ignore a huge problem with…[Read more]
It wasn’t an argument, just stating an opinion!
This nested post is nice. I like the look & feel.
Show me a better solution to solve this annoying reg spam bot issue and I’ll be happy to listen. But this is the best method I’ve used bar none. One could inject a noscript element tag if they were passionate about losing javascript disabled browsers, but I’m not that interested in designing…[Read more]
Math challenge or custom question and answer.
Math challenge is easy to bypass.
Custom question is as good as the first time you see it.
The proposed solution here works. You can’t hack it with the traditional tools. You just can’t. Hence why I think it is superior to anything else I’ve found. You can argue ( or opinion-ate) all you want, but my solution solves the problem and you can’t…[Read more]
Whatever works for you is fine. I’ve never resorted to javascript.
Although nothing will stop manual spammers! 😉
Dfa327 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
And you’re complaining why? Tell me a popular browser that doesn’t support javascript? I think your concern is rather silly.
For those users that have it turned off! (yup a small minority, but still!)
That’s a weak argument. Sorry, but it is.
Web design should push as much as possible to the client side, aka javascript. You got a large suite of features with Jquery/ajax and javascript. Few people will run a browser without it now.
Next you’ll be saying frames are good? LOL.
Sorry if I sound harsh, but to ignore a huge problem with…[Read more]
It wasn’t an argument, just stating an opinion!
This nested post is nice. I like the look & feel.
Show me a better solution to solve this annoying reg spam bot issue and I’ll be happy to listen. But this is the best method I’ve used bar none. One could inject a noscript element tag if they were passionate about losing javascript disabled browsers, but I’m not that interested in designing…[Read more]
Math challenge or custom question and answer.
Math challenge is easy to bypass.
Custom question is as good as the first time you see it.
The proposed solution here works. You can’t hack it with the traditional tools. You just can’t. Hence why I think it is superior to anything else I’ve found. You can argue ( or opinion-ate) all you want, but my solution solves the problem and you can’t…[Read more]
Whatever works for you is fine. I’ve never resorted to javascript.
Although nothing will stop manual spammers! 😉
Dfa327 posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
I think I have a good way of stopping spam bot registrations:
Requires javascript though.
And you’re complaining why? Tell me a popular browser that doesn’t support javascript? I think your concern is rather silly.
For those users that have it turned off! (yup a small minority, but still!)
That’s a weak argument. Sorry, but it is.
Web design should push as much as possible to the client side, aka javascript. You got a large suite of features with Jquery/ajax and javascript. Few people will run a browser without it now.
Next you’ll be saying frames are good? LOL.
Sorry if I sound harsh, but to ignore a huge problem with…[Read more]
It wasn’t an argument, just stating an opinion!
This nested post is nice. I like the look & feel.
Show me a better solution to solve this annoying reg spam bot issue and I’ll be happy to listen. But this is the best method I’ve used bar none. One could inject a noscript element tag if they were passionate about losing javascript disabled browsers, but I’m not that interested in designing…[Read more]
Math challenge or custom question and answer.
Math challenge is easy to bypass.
Custom question is as good as the first time you see it.
The proposed solution here works. You can’t hack it with the traditional tools. You just can’t. Hence why I think it is superior to anything else I’ve found. You can argue ( or opinion-ate) all you want, but my solution solves the problem and you can’t…[Read more]
Whatever works for you is fine. I’ve never resorted to javascript.
Although nothing will stop manual spammers! 😉
Dfa327 posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
@jobjorn I now have what I think is a working solution to bp registration signups and combating spam.
Check out this read:
http://codewarrior.getpaidfrom.us/2010/05/14/how-to-stop-buddypress-spam-bot-registration/ -
Dfa327 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
I haven’t looked at the notifications. What are you doing? Making invites and they’re not sent out?
Dfa327 posted on the forum topic Using Twire with trunk-r2459 in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 10 months ago
Yum, yeah Twire works in bp 1.2. It needed to get updated. The latest Twire works well for me:)
Dfa327 joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 14 years, 10 months ago
Dfa327 reviewed the plugin Buddypress-Ajax-Chat: 14 years, 10 months ago
I like it, lol:)
Dfa327 posted an update in the group Buddypress-Ajax-Chat: 14 years, 10 months ago
I wish I knew why it was a 3 out of 5. Adsense is gone. All that’s there now is an image to anygig.com for seo purposes.
If someone wants something let me know.
Dave -
Dfa327 joined the group Buddypress-Ajax-Chat 14 years, 10 months ago
Dfa327 posted on the forum topic Updated using automatic update now site is hosed in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 11 months ago
We fixed this in 1.3.2. 1.3.1 fixed it for wpmu, 1.3.2 fixed it for wp single.
Not recently active