jtcreate posted on the forum topic Buddypress is Not my Buddy… :o( in the group Installing BuddyPress: 13 years, 9 months ago
After much prodding, testing, checking and more, we located the problem. If Zend Optimizer is enabled, BuddyPress will not install. As soon as we disabled it, we had a perfect install of BuddyPress. Woohoo! I should also note that we had memory set at 150mb prior to install and actually boosted it to 256mb just […]
jtcreate posted on the forum topic Buddypress is Not my Buddy… :o( in the group Installing BuddyPress: 13 years, 9 months ago
Ok. Here’s the update. Server checks out with proper versions of PHP and MySQL. Latest version of both WP and BP. Mod_Rewrite is functioning. Proper directories are writeable. WP is fully functional. Raw install… no other plugins active. Default theme. Looked through error log (nothing showed up). I’m stumped. Still getting the same error. Server […]
jtcreate posted on the forum topic Buddypress is Not my Buddy… :o( in the group Installing BuddyPress: 13 years, 9 months ago
Thanks again, @stwc. I’m still working on this issue and will report back with my findings. It has to be something on the sever…
jtcreate posted on the forum topic Buddypress is Not my Buddy… :o( in the group Installing BuddyPress: 13 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, stwc. I’m actually on a dedicated server that I can fully control. Is there a key resource(s) I should look at that can be increased to better accommodate?
jtcreate posted on the forum topic Buddypress is Not my Buddy… :o( in the group Installing BuddyPress: 13 years, 9 months ago
I’m having similar troubles. I’ve gone through the pre-install checklist, and my server is up to par and my WP install works perfectly. In an effort to keep it clean, I’m using the latest version of WP 3.1.3 with no other plugins/themes/mods/anything. I can install the plugin, but when I activate I get this: “Safari […]
jtcreate joined the group Installing BuddyPress 13 years, 9 months ago
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