lincme.co.uk posted a new activity comment 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi JJJ. The only information made available is not the information I/we made available, but also the awful spam on BuddyPress.org, which hasn’t been blocked. As I said, search engines often throw up the spam posts linked to an account here, which looks appalling.
I think you need to either a) effectively block spam on this site, or b) have a way…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
Many thanks Paul.
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years ago
@DJPaul Oops, not awake yet – please ignore repeat words!
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years ago
@DJPaul @DJPaul. I can’t find any other way to contact the team, so had to post here (by all means delete). Posted to JJJ, but he hasn’t perhaps hasn’t had time to look into it yet.
Could you please close the lincme.co.uk account and delete all posts? We don’t use BuddyPress, and the project is going live. A Google search for lincme.co.uk o…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years ago
@johnjamesjacoby Hi John. I can’t find any other way to contact the team, so had to post here (by all means delete).
Could you please close the lincme.co.uk account and delete all posts? The project is going live, and a Google search for lincme.co.uk often brings up the spam posted on here, which gives a bad impression.
Many thanks,
Sorry Michael. We do not delete accounts on any of the .org sites. They include important context to all activity you’ve engaged in since you created your account. The only information made available is the information you made available.
Hi JJJ. The only information made available is not the information I/we made available, but also the awful spam on BuddyPress.org, which hasn’t been blocked. As I said, search engines often throw up the spam posts linked to an account here, which looks appalling.
I think you need to either a) effectively block spam on this site, or b) have a way…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
Just replace the logo image in the theme.
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago
I haven’t used BuddyPress in some 7 months now, and won’t be in future, so just wanted to let anyone asking for theme work know that I’m doing other things. Also, the Facelook theme was deleted by moderators at WordPress for ‘copyright issues’.
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@ziggy6868 Hi Alan. While I don’t care to get into online arguments with anyone, I just want to say that I agree with your points in principle. I also agree that it seems anything not ‘nice’ here is labelled as ‘confrontational’ – just another way to shut people up.
People who do that do so from insecurity. Your point may have hit a nerve, or…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
JJJ; You say, “Just to be clear, the last time I checked there weren’t barrels of money stamped with the Automattic logo floating around the Bay”. Really? $29 million flowing into Automattic during 2008-2009 I remember reading. And how much since then..? That money does not go on envelopes and coffee.
Open Source might mean free to many, but t…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted on the forum topic Activity is just repeating the same items after clicking 'Load More' in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 8 months ago
@rossagrant; Long time no visit – been very busy – but noticed your post. This is something that’s beginning to worry me, as our site is at the jump-off point, and I see this happen every time I click Load More on this site. As I said to a colleague yesterday; if this happens to our […]
lincme.co.uk posted on the forum topic WP-minify and new version of Buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 8 months ago
@jmarino; We saw ‘unexpected results’ when using a page cache with BuddyPress. As BP is generating new content with each post and response, page caching appears to make a dog’s breakfast of things. 🙂
lincme.co.uk posted an update in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 8 months ago
Our Facelook theme was accepted by the WordPress site and displayed today for the first time. It seems quite popular already, and isn’t a complete Facebook rip-off; just similar in style, and lots of room for content.
Some useful additions are extended member profiles done simply by creating a WordPress post, and the Private Messaging button only…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted a new activity comment 14 years, 8 months ago
Hi Dale. As well as the plugins section here, the wordpress.org repository contains BuddyPress plugins too, and there are a good number of them. Just search for ‘buddypress’.
I had problems with the avatar upload, but if you set up a Gravatar at gravatar.com it’ll use that. (I removed mine and this site reverted to a goofy face – about right, I…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted a new activity comment 14 years, 8 months ago
You and the rest of us mate! Early life lesson of mine: the word ‘smart’ does not mean the same thing as ‘unconfused’..! 🙂
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@nuprn1 Aha! That fixed it. And I burst out laughing at the Python reference; “Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I’m being repressed!” Jabberwocky, was it..? 😛
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@nuprn1 Jeez, had to go all over here in circles, as the email notification link took me to the home page. Anyway…
The error with it installed, but nothing set at all to block, is two lines;
Warning: Parameter 2 to bp_activity_block_type_before_save() expected to be a reference, value given in [site]wp-includesplugin.php on line…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted on the forum topic Filtering out Activity Stream stuff in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 8 months ago
@nuprn1; Yep, that works, and saves a little db space too. However, I discovered today that your Block Activity plugin causes Group creation to fail at the final stage, though as I said in a note to you, it could be a theme clash for all I know. I think it’s useful to have the details […]
lincme.co.uk started the forum topic Filtering out Activity Stream stuff in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 8 months ago
This is a simple rehash of some old code by @nuprn1 (thanks Rich), and filters out various activity messages to keep the stream from clogging up. Put the following in your theme’s functions.php file, and modify as desired; // Remove (hide) various activities from streams. function my_hidden_activities($a, $activities) { //if admin we want to know…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@nuprn1 Hi Rich. I’ve modified an old bit of code of yours (which saved me a lot of time, thanks!) and am using it to filter out activity stream stuff we don’t want to see. Your Block Activities plugin seemed ok, but with or without types set in Admin, it was crashing out with an error in the last stage of creating a group. Thinks it’s for the…[Read more]
lincme.co.uk posted on the forum topic Remove the 'view' button in the activity stream in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 8 months ago
@rogercoathup; Yep, I hacked the core previously due to lack of time to recode things, but upgraded to the latest BP today and found a number of issues (for me) were fixed. So only one small core hack now. Our site is fine with the ·s in the strings, which you can see at http://lincme.co.uk/community if […]
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