mariamar posted an update 14 years ago
Hi, I can’t find anywhere that explains where are the buddypress pages in the community I created located. Are they added to my blog, in my server, or in a buddypress location? I want to know this for bandwidth purpose. Thanks.
mariamar posted an update 14 years ago
@moddedlife Hi, Justin, Did you ever find out how to solve the registration problem? I’m in the same boat, but can’t find a solution, as I already have registration activated in WP general settings. Please let me know. Thanks, MM
mariamar posted on the forum topic Just installed BuddyPress, but I can’t find my registration page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Hi, everyone, I have similar problems with registration 1. .I can’t see my registration page anywhere. 2. When I use the http://mariamar.com/register URL, it just sends me back to the homepage. 3. I also don’t know how to place a registration link or box so visitors can register. I see that the consistent answer here […]
mariamar joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years ago
Active 9 years, 8 months ago