marlowjust posted on the forum topic Custom theme- member profile css issue in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
Fantastic! You nailed it on the head and that solved my issue. Thanks!
marlowjust posted an update 14 years ago
I’m talking about each member’s section as a whole. More specifically the profile header area. The member name/username and last active section is displayed all the way to the right without a status upd
marlowjust posted on the forum topic Custom theme- member profile css issue in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
I’m talking about each member’s section as a whole. More specifically the profile header area. The member name/username and last active section is displayed all the way to the right without a status update. Here is a snapshot of what I mean. The first picture is a member who just joined and the second picture […]
marlowjust started the forum topic Custom theme- member profile css issue in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
I have successfully built up my custom theme with the incorporation of the original Buddypress CSS look and feel but I just noticed a problem with viewing profiles. When I view my profile (admin) it displays nicely. When I view a new member’s profile, it displays jumbled up. Why would my profile display correctly and […]
marlowjust joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years ago
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