methow started the forum topic material in wiki page is not being saved in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi all I am running a social community network using buddypress named as (http://methowbaba.com/) I have a problem and the problem is that when I create wiki pages then the pages are created easily but when I want to put some data into the pages after inserting the data the page is not being saved.In […]
methow joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years, 1 month ago
methow posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago
@phgras Hi Philippe hru?I am running a social community network named as (http://methowbaba.com/)
I have a problem and the problem is that when I create wiki pages then the pages are created easily but when I want to put some data into the pages after inserting the data the page is not being saved.In other words the save option is not working. So…[Read more] -
methow posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago
@kunalb Hi Kunalb hru?I am running a social community network named as (http://methowbaba.com/)
I have a problem and the problem is that when I create wiki pages then the pages are created easily but when I want to put some data into the pages after inserting the data the page is not being saved.In other words the save option is not working. So…[Read more] -
methow posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago
@boonebgorges Hi Boone hru?I am running a social community network named as (http://methowbaba.com/)
I have a problem and the problem is that when I create wiki pages then the pages are created easily but when I want to put some data into the pages after inserting the data the page is not being saved.In other words the save option is not working.…[Read more]
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