obvio posted on the forum topic problem getting initial closest address without actually searching in the group gPress: 14 years, 5 months ago
solved it by adding this to my functions.php
add_filter('bp_complete_signup', get_geo); function get_geo(){ global $tppobp; $user_id = bp_core_get_userid( $_POST); $gpress_latlng = $_POST; $gpress_address = $_POST; $geodata = array(); $geodata = $gpress_latlng; $geodata = $gpress_address; // NOW NEED TO PUT THIS INFO INTO TPPO…
obvio started the forum topic problem getting initial closest address without actually searching in the group gPress: 14 years, 5 months ago
when a user register for a new account the map shows his closest location according to ip, case a user is not searching for an exact address nor moving the marker, this closest address doesn’t get assigned to his profile. this might happen when a user is ‘satisfied’ with what is shown on the map […]
obvio posted on the forum topic obtaining co-ordinates in the group gPress: 14 years, 5 months ago
of what?
Amit posted a new activity comment 14 years, 5 months ago
didn’t have a try with tdo yet.. this feature is not that urgent for me at the moment so i’ll post something back when i have any result.
obvio started the forum topic bug:: map before/after profile does not work in the group gPress: 14 years, 5 months ago
doesn’t affect anything befor/after/do-not-display, map is always shown above profile info.
obvio posted on the forum topic js error with tabs on user's geo settings screen in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
I’m using safari on mac and debugging using the built in safari/webkit debugger. It gives the same error on my theme as well as on the default buddypress theme. turning off plugins didn’t solve this issue. plugins which I use: archives for category. BuddyPress. CMS Tree Page View. custom post permalinks. Disqus Comment System. gPress. […]
obvio posted on the forum topic integration with gravity forms in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
Hi, would be great to get the responses emailed.. anyhow, I didn’t get to that yet since it’s a pet project I have and don’t have the time now.. I might get to it in a month or so, will keep you posted once I have something going.
obvio posted on the forum topic js error with tabs on user's geo settings screen in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
frontend, where a user/member would edit their profile/geo settings:
http://domain.com/members/MEMEBER_NAME/settings/geo/ -
obvio posted on the forum topic adding places to other post types in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
looks like closed to me.
obvio posted on the forum topic js error with tabs on user's geo settings screen in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
i still have this issue.. i disabled gravity and still have it to.. and it also happens in firefox. i’ll have to lok better if it comes from some other plugin, will let u know.
obvio posted on the forum topic custom post type rewrite rule not working with gpress in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
well.. both, but most important it flushes rules i have setup with other custom post types so flushing the rules from the plugins ‘deletes’ all of the rules that were in place. what i’m suggesting is probably declaring the gpress post types and taxonomies on plugin-init (not sure on the name: the hook which is […]
obvio posted on the forum topic adding places to other post types in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
obvio posted on the forum topic css which is not limited to gPress in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
another small css issue with the latest release, maps.css has.gpress_mapcanvas img
(first declaration) empty padding, i.epadding:;
obvio started the forum topic css which is not limited to gPress in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
on wp-content/plugins/gpress/gpress-core/css/maps.css line 94 you have:
img.attachment-post-thumbnail {
}the entire wordpress system uses this class.. it forces *all* images to fully stretch to the containing element disregarding their set sizes in the markup.
obvio posted on the forum topic adding places to other post types in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
me again.. was far easier to find it then I thought it would be.. in gpress_tinymce.php just uncommenting the first conditional (todo: need to find a more correct one) – if(!current_user_can(‘edit_posts’) && !current_user_can(‘edit_pages’)) puts the buttons in the tinymce and allows the user to add maps to *any* post type that has an editor in…
obvio started the forum topic js error with tabs on user's geo settings screen in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
osx, safari 5.
error is TypeError: Result of expression ‘jQuery(‘.tpp_form_container #tabs’).tabs’ is not a function.comes from tpp_options_form.php line 50, uncommenting this function solves the error but not tabs are then shown.
probably comes from your last fix to the tabs and the collision with gravityforms tabs.
obvio posted on the forum topic adding places to other post types in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
why not allow it to appear on *every* editor? after all it´s just inserting a shortcode that is intercepted by the the_content, no?!
if you can save me time and tell me where you add the buttons I’ll try to take it from there.
obvio posted on the forum topic custom post type rewrite rule not working with gpress in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
Mark, in my testing here it works fine without the flush_rewrite_rules(), I did re-save the permalinks after activating gpress. just note that my setting over here is not as full-on as you present on the demo site, I´m actually in need of the geo for users and not for places/posts but I’m trying to incorporate […]
obvio started the forum topic adding places to other post types in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
I have a few new custom post types that would benefit from places/venues but I can’t see the gPress buttons on the wysisyg on those custom-post-types editors, what do I need to do to add them?
obvio posted on the forum topic custom post type rewrite rule not working with gpress in the group gPress: 14 years, 6 months ago
hi, 1. I declare and register a new post type on my functions.php file, the code for it is at http://pastebin.com/ubUwrPG3 2. it happens on *every* page, post, archive etc. putting a ‘log’ function where you flush_rewrite_rules() is showing that this rule is being called on *any* page (i.e. document, moving between links, not Page […]
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