Giovanni L. Barricelli posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
@josh101 https://buddypress.org/community/groups/installing-buddypress/forum/topic/complete-newbie-migrating-from-ning/
I posted something here…hope you have a chance to read it….
I’m a NING refugee looking for a home for my 500+ members.One of my admin’s has already started a website
but before I do any transfering to grou.ps
I want to make…[
Giovanni L. Barricelli posted on the forum topic Complete Newbie Migrating from Ning in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 10 months ago
I am also a NING refugee. I have done something a bit different. I have … before I migrate to any site, I am joining it, finding out the (service, response time, benefits , design capabilities, expansive capabilities, embed features of widgets, etc…) before I migrate any of my 500+ members to any of the […]
Giovanni L. Barricelli joined the group Installing BuddyPress 14 years, 10 months ago
Not recently active
I know spruz and bp both allow imports from ning. I left spruz so I have 100% control with no limits. Thats why I have bp but bp has zero design support and spruz has like the best in the world. Spruz is not open source and bp is. Then again ning was never open source just like spruz. So spruz has no add ons but there always adding in more. They…[Read more]