Rob posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@MrMaz I have a basic install of wordpress and buddypress. I upload image but it does not crop or even show a crop box. So nothing but a corner of the pic shows up. This is a devastating problem for any blog that intends on having members. One thing I cant understand is why the smart tech guys that created buddypress as a ”social” network tot…[Read more]
Rob posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
I have a basic install of wordpress and buddypress. I upload image but it does not crop or even show a crop box. So nothing but a corner of the pic shows up. This is a devastating problem for any blog that intends on having members. One thing I cant understand is why the smart tech guys that created buddypress as a ”social” network totally ove…[Read more]
Rob posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@gian-ava As a matter of fact, you might can just sign up at my site. gangsterincrecords.com and try the upload and crop to see if this is the same issue that your fix works for. You’ll see how frustrating this would be for a new member. Thank you.
Rob posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@gian-ava I saw your fix about the cropping issue. I am not a code guy but I can manipulate some things as long as it is explained in layman’s terms. I did not quite understand the fix. I have a basic install of wordpress and buddypress. I upload image but it does not crop or even show a crop box. So nothing but a corner of the pic shows up. This…[Read more]
Rob posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
Avatars will not crop. I have noticed others have had this issue. Crop box does not show at all. I am using wp 3.0 and latest buddypress. I don’t want to disable the pic upload or force people to use those goofy cartoons because that takes away the purpose of a social network. For my site I need people to actually see the real faces of people.…[Read more]
Rob started the forum topic All buddypress links keep reverting back to front page. in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
For the life of me I can not get any of the buddypress links to work. like the account section and the member links. Every single aspect of buddypress simply reverts back to the original front page of site. Like if I press edit profile in the account section it just does not go anywhere […]
Rob joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years, 7 months ago
Rob posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@pisanojm Sorry to bother again, maybe you know something about this problem. For the life of me I can not get any of the buddypress links to work. like the account section and the member links. Every single aspect of buddypress simply reverts back to the original front page of site. Like if I press edit profile in the account section it just does…[Read more]
Rob posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@pisanojm Dude, you’re a god! The deletion problem is fixed. The code was on different lines though but I found them and replaced em. Thanks a bunch.
Rob posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@pisanojm Hello, I am Rob. I saw your fix for the problem below, only I don’t know where to go to replace the line of code. I don’t know how to get to the area where the file resides. Please help and give the fix again please.
I am getting this error when trying to delete a user… Using latest 1.2x Branch Build 3067 (not and WordPress…[Read more]
Hi Rob,
The file you need to change is in the plugins/buddypress/bp-groups/ folder called bp-groups-classes.php.
The entire thread discussing what to change is here, including the line numbers… do yourself a huge favor and don’t try to edit the file in a “normal” doc editor like wordpad, etc… download something like pspad freeware editor…[Read more]
whoops, didn’t include the thread link…
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