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  • rotblick posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    To show the reason at the sidebar, I just added the following line: else{do_action(“secure_invite_user_can_invite”);} on Line 1697 and everything works as i aspected.
    This plugin is awesome! Thanks for coding and support!

  • rotblick posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    Thank you very much. It works great!
    In the changelog it says: “Put reason for invite button not showing on the main settings page”. I just created a test user, but I can’t find the reason showing… The next days I will look more carefull for it… It would be awesome, if it would be shown instead of the button.

    • To show the reason at the sidebar, I just added the following line: else{do_action(“secure_invite_user_can_invite”);} on Line 1697 and everything works as i aspected.
      This plugin is awesome! Thanks for coding and support!

  • rotblick posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    Thank you, for your help. I asked in the trouble shooting forum. I will keep you updated, when I know something new. The strange thing is, that it just happens, when you post a new activity… otherwise everything runs fine. And with secure invites 1.1.2 everything is fine as well…

  • Hi, I’m running buddypress (default theme) with the plugin secure invites. Every time somebody posts an update i get the following error: Warning: session_start() : Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /var/www/vhosts/ i…[Read more]

  • rotblick posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    line 242 in secure_invite.php is:


    When I would remove it, it seems, like it works. Does it have any security risks doing so?

    Another thing I found out: When I know the registrationlink, for example: http:///register/?email= I can register and choose a complete different emailadress. So complete strangers can register themself,…[Read more]

    • Hi. Looks like BuddyPress is outputting content before it should be (or that’s what the error message looks like). The session is started by Secure Invites in the “init” event of WordPress, so anything outputting headers there is almost certainly wrong. Perhaps you could contact the BuddyPress guys to see what’s happening on…[Read more]

      • Thank you, for your help. I asked in the trouble shooting forum. I will keep you updated, when I know something new. The strange thing is, that it just happens, when you post a new activity… otherwise everything runs fine. And with secure invites 1.1.2 everything is fine as well…

  • rotblick posted an update 14 years ago

    @MrWiblog @MrWiblog – seems like I misspelled your name… I liked to address the following post to you:
    Hope you can help and get the latest update of this awesome plugin working!


  • rotblick posted an update in the group bpCKEditor: 14 years ago

    Is it possible to add bpCKEditor to private Messages? At the moment it’s just working in the forum. Did anybody ever tried it?

  • rotblick joined the group bpCKEditor 14 years ago

  • rotblick posted an update in the group Secure Invites: 14 years ago

    @MiWiblog It is a great plugin. But since we updated to Version 1.1.3 we get the following error:

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /var/www/vhosts/ in…[Read more]

    • line 242 in secure_invite.php is:


      When I would remove it, it seems, like it works. Does it have any security risks doing so?

      Another thing I found out: When I know the registrationlink, for example: http:///register/?email= I can register and choose a complete different emailadress. So complete strangers can register themself,…[Read more]

      • Hi. Looks like BuddyPress is outputting content before it should be (or that’s what the error message looks like). The session is started by Secure Invites in the “init” event of WordPress, so anything outputting headers there is almost certainly wrong. Perhaps you could contact the BuddyPress guys to see what’s happening on…[Read more]

        • Thank you, for your help. I asked in the trouble shooting forum. I will keep you updated, when I know something new. The strange thing is, that it just happens, when you post a new activity… otherwise everything runs fine. And with secure invites 1.1.2 everything is fine as well…

    • The latest version of the plugin should fix this bug.

      • Thank you very much. It works great!
        In the changelog it says: “Put reason for invite button not showing on the main settings page”. I just created a test user, but I can’t find the reason showing… The next days I will look more carefull for it… It would be awesome, if it would be shown instead of the button.

        • To show the reason at the sidebar, I just added the following line: else{do_action(“secure_invite_user_can_invite”);} on Line 1697 and everything works as i aspected.
          This plugin is awesome! Thanks for coding and support!

  • rotblick started the forum topic Wiki & TinyMCE in the group BP-TinyMCE: 14 years ago

    when I’ve installed the group-wiki function on buddypress / wordpress-mu the TinyMCE Plugin overwrites all the wiki buttons. Does anybody has a suggestion to fix it?

  • rotblick posted on the forum topic more buttons in the group BP-TinyMCE: 14 years ago

    Are there any updates? It would be awesome if there are more buttons.
    Best Regards!

  • rotblick joined the group BP-TinyMCE 14 years ago

  • rotblick started the forum topic Opera – Ajax in the group BP GTM System: 14 years ago

    Hey, I’m using Opera and there is no box opening?! I see the button and when I click it the background turns black, but no Box is opening.
    I just tried it in Firefox and it works. Is there an easy workaround, to get it working in Opera?
    Best regards!

  • @boonebgorges Thank you very much for your help. I looked for days to get a working solution, but couldn’t get it work like you did!

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