8 years ago
I fixed it by changing the code in function bp_send_email in file /buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php.
$must_use_wpmail = apply_filters( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', $wp_html_emails || ! $is_default_wpmail ); if ( $must_use_wpmail ) { $to = $email->get( 'to' ); return wp_mail( array_shift( $to )->get_address(), $email->get( 'subject', 'replace-tokens' ), $email->get( 'content_plaintext', 'replace-tokens' ) ); }
$must_use_wpmail = apply_filters( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', $wp_html_emails || ! $is_default_wpmail ); if ( $must_use_wpmail ) { $to = $email->get( 'to' ); return wp_mail( array_shift( $to )->get_address(), $email->get( 'subject', 'replace-tokens' ), $email->get_template( 'add-content' ) ); }
we do need to send rich HTML emails. Is there a way we can configure BuddyPress’ custom instance of PHP Mailer to use our SMTP server?
I am also looking forward to this option. I am using Gmail SMTP plugin to send email and it is causing to send plain text.