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  • hi, i am running a buddypress site, i want to ask how can i add a user to a sub blog (for example as author ?? actually i want to let user to contibute articale to any sub site blogs… how can i do that?? some ideas?

  • Roger Coathup posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago

    You are best to install WordPress first and setup multisite before BuddyPress.

    You’ll have to ask on the WordPress forums if you need specific help with that setup (http.conf etc.). I use cpanel, and simply have to create a subdomain ‘*’ in there, and everything gets configured automatically.

    So, WordPress forums for config help, and get your…[Read more]

  • hi, i am new to buddypress and a casual blogger, i am already using wordpress platform at my website. sorry for my poor English. i am planning to setup a social network for my college mates. i am couple of questions and confusions. first of all i want to ask is it possible to install […]

  • hi all, i have a question as i am planning to setup BuddyPress for my college project. do i have to install WordPress Mu in order to activating BuddyPress or just WordPress 3.0??

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