Forum Replies Created
Wooohooo, that did the trick!!!
I added it, but still nothing happens if I post a comment to a lesson.
Could it still be a timing issue? I imagine namaste already made the post type. Maybe I should try deinstalling and installing namaste again with the buddypress changes made?
I’m quite sure, but it’s absolutely possible I misunderstood the code. This is in plugins/namaste-lms/models/lesson-model:
static function register_lesson_type() { $lesson_slug = get_option('namaste_lesson_slug'); if(empty($lesson_slug)) $lesson_slug = 'namaste-lesson'; $args=array( "label" => __("Namaste! Lessons", 'namaste'), "labels" => array ( "name"=>__("Lessons", 'namaste'), "singular_name"=>__("Lesson", 'namaste'), "add_new_item"=>__("Add New Lesson", 'namaste') ), "public"=> true, "show_ui"=>true, "has_archive"=>true, "rewrite"=> array("slug"=>$lesson_slug, "with_front"=>false), "description"=>__("This will create a new lesson in your Namaste! LMS.",'namaste'), "supports"=>array("title", 'editor', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'comments', 'post-formats'), "taxonomies"=>array("category"), "show_in_nav_menus"=>'true', 'show_in_menu' => 'namaste_options', "register_meta_box_cb"=>array(__CLASS__,"meta_boxes") ); register_post_type( 'namaste_lesson', $args );
That very last line tells us it’s called ‘namaste_lesson’ right?
Maybe I can somehow add some extra code to this file? But then there would be the problem of updates, right?
Would it help (and how would I do that) if the namaste_lesson cpt is made WITH the buddypress-activity support like suggested by RecoilDesign BEFORE the Namaste plugin is activated or something?Thanks so much for helping me 🙂
Thanks for your help Shane! But it doesn’t seem to do the trick…