10 years, 7 months ago
I got it! thank you very much! it works!
however, appears in the permalink / # anchor, is this normal? can be removed?
thank you very much, but it definitely works because I entered the code incorrectly.
I use RTpanel theme then /wp-content/themes/rtpanel/header.php post at bottom:
<body onload=’ location.href=”#anchor” ‘>
while <div id=’anchor’>whatever</div> in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/members-loop.php
the page to jump below the header is that of the user profile BuddyPress, where there is activity, friends, groups, messages, etc …
then I did not understand the ‘whatever’ sorry but it is my first website, I have already learned a lot and I would also fix this thing
thanks again
ok, but do not know how you do it, anyone can help me?