alexcmei posted an update in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
that looks like an alternative to WP-FB connect. perhaps it’ll work where WP-FP doesn’t.
alexcmei posted on the forum topic BP Privacy v1.0-RC1 is now available! in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
It totally amazes me that Google isn’t right here right now, looking to dump a few million into developing BuddyPress and Privacy and fB integration. 🙂 would be a wonderful way to allow communities to develop their own extensions to social networking. We don’t all need connection to the Universe on our social networks, at […]
alexcmei posted on the forum topic BP Privacy v1.0-RC1 is now available! in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
that’s pretty sweet. looks like a great logger / debugger. time-stamp sequences are always insightful in a log. That was going to be my next look. The PHP references from fB are pretty good. Their ‘social graph’ API could really make creating new accounts super easy.. 🙂 We’re looking at heavy customization for a Local […]
alexcmei posted on the forum topic Creating accounts with Facebook plugin (wp-fb-autoconnect) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
has the fB vacuum sucked up every php coder out there? 😉
alexcmei posted on the forum topic Creating accounts with Facebook plugin (wp-fb-autoconnect) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I’m seeing and interesting condition with this plugin, BP-Privacy. When BP-Privacy Lockdown is set -> must be logged in, the WP-FB-autoconnect plugin fails to log the person in. When the Lockdown is set -> show everyone, then the login takes place. its a bit odd. I suspect its the WP-FB-autoconnect plugin. Might be a race […]
alexcmei joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years ago
alexcmei posted on the forum topic BP Privacy v1.0-RC1 is now available! in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
Thank you. I’ll check. Seems to work great when the Lockdown is not enabled. When lockdown -> must login is enabled, all pages are redirected, as if i’m not logged in. Yea, just checked again. When Lockdown -> open to all is set, then WP-FB-Autoconnect works fine. I’ll dig into the code, and thanks for […]
alexcmei posted on the forum topic BP Privacy v1.0-RC1 is now available! in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
V. 1.7.0 of WP-FB-AutoConnect must not be triggering a login to unlock the BP-Privacy Lockdown. 🙂 Works fine without the Lockdown, but having privacy turned on for the site by default *is* the definition of the friend-trust ring that interactive social networking is based on.. folks are not going to be comfortable using this, when […]
alexcmei posted an update 14 years ago
@jeffsayre all good, now batting zero with the WP-FB-AutoConnect plugin + welcome.php / lockdown enabled. must be something simple. Can’t get a handle on how to debug it. Likely the FB-AutoConnect login with fB credentials bypasses your authorization, eh? 🙂 dang! 🙂 need that to migrate.
alexcmei posted on the forum topic BP Privacy v1.0-RC1 is now available! in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
Still having trouble with an enabled ‘Lockdown’ for the site + Facebook credential login.. dang..
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
went over to the https://buddypress.org/community/groups/bp-privacy/forum/topic/bp-privacy-v1-0-rc1-is-now-available/?topic_page=3&num=15#post-91685
area and posted the info from here.. still hacking on the fB login – not working when Privacy Lockdown is set.
alexcmei posted on the forum topic BP Privacy v1.0-RC1 is now available! in the group BuddyPress Privacy Component (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz): 14 years ago
Got it running. WordPress 3.1 Php 5.3.2 the configuration page for Privacy could be improved by graying out the ‘Lockdown’ options, or if folks like me would bother to read the readme.txt. As the author points out, you need to copy the privacy folder and its contents over to the default bp-default area ala: go […]
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
I’ll head over there. I did find a problem. I’m using the Facebook login plug-in and it does not work WP-FB AutoConnect doesn’t seem to do well with the privacy login for some reason. works fine when main Welcoem screen is “open” in the Lockdown section, but breaks when the ‘login required’
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
cp -rp themes/privacy ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-defaultworked
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
alexcmei posted an update 14 years ago
@jeffsayre Thanks! well done. Its a bit sketchy for me, never having been there. In summary. I copied the files, per my post in the forum, and edited the welcome.php and it looks fab.
You rock. Now to test the rest! 🙂 making the initial setup work easy will get lots of people interested in this.
best regards,
You’re welcome. When you have a chance, don’t forget to give the plugin a review on its WordPress Plugin Repository page. You must be logged into wordpress.org, select the version of WordPress you are using, and click the stars. It’s as simple as that! Thanks!
Here’f the repo page for the plugin: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-privacy/
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
A quick edit of ‘welcome.php’ to customize the intercept page and I’m happy as a clam. Thanks a billion.
Find the welcome.php in here: and either do as the author says – and produce your custom area, or do as I did, and just edit the text to suit. 🙂
wow! great job.
Cool! Glad you’re up and running.
As most people will not read this group’s activity stream could you please place some initial feedback in this forum thread as well, maybe about getting the special privacy templates installed? It would be appreciated:…[Read more]
I’ll head over there. I did find a problem. I’m using the Facebook login plug-in and it does not work WP-FB AutoConnect doesn’t seem to do well with the privacy login for some reason. works fine when main Welcoem screen is “open” in the Lockdown section, but breaks when the ‘login required’
went over to the https://buddypress.org/community/groups/bp-privacy/forum/topic/bp-privacy-v1-0-rc1-is-now-available/?topic_page=3&num=15#post-91685
area and posted the info from here.. still hacking on the fB login – not working when Privacy Lockdown is set.
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
something as simple as this:
cp -rp themes/privacy ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-defaultfrom the www/wp-content/plugins/bp-privacy folder.
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
If you wish to take advantage of these extra features, you will need to copy the /privacy template files folder, located in BP-Privacy’s /themes directory, into the proper place. It is as
simple as copying the /privacy subdirectory (which contains the maintenance.php, privacy-policy.php, and welcome.php files) into Buddypress’ /bp-default…[Read more] -
alexcmei posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
ah, it wasn’t clear to me that changing the option to enable privacy on the site needed a custom template. gotcha. Thanks for the timely reply!
Yep. To offer privacy filtering to a site’s members, BP Privacy does not require any templates. These special templates are only required if the Site Admin wants to create a locked down site or place the site in maintenance mode. They actually offer a different type of privacy provided for the benefit of Site Admins more so than the site’s users.
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