alexilio posted on the forum topic Changing your BuddyPress Host? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 1 month ago
Alright i will. One more thing. Do you recommend Blue Host as a good Host ? It supports buddypress and it has unlimited storage but the data are kept in shared servers. Should i care about that, or look only for dedicated cloud hosting clusters like Rackspace ?
alexilio posted on the forum topic Changing your BuddyPress Host? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for answering me. What is the CDN approach ? I am not familiar with it. Can you forward me a proper link so i can look more into it ?
Would you recommend that approach for a big social network ? -
alexilio started the forum topic Changing your BuddyPress Host? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone. I am doing my research on finding the right host for my buddypress site. Most of them have limited disk space which will be most likely exceeded with just a few users that will upload media files like videos and photos. What happens then ? Can i transfer my domain name and its […]
alexilio joined the group BuddyPress Hosting 14 years, 1 month ago
alexilio posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago
@allday-k Hello there. Thank you for your help.
I am looking into LaughingsSquid and those guys look really very professional. However i lack some technical knowledge and i thought i should ask you before i proceed. I want to establish a buddy press social network which might go big. Will i have any problems whatsoever if i use that web host,…[Read more]
alexilio posted on the forum topic Finding the right domain host for buddy press in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 1 month ago
Thank you all guys for your help.
alexilio posted on the forum topic Finding the right domain host for buddy press in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for prompt response. So do you have any recommendations of where to find a dedicated host ?
alexilio started the forum topic Finding the right domain host for buddy press in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone.
I registered my domain name under fatcow.com and then installed wordpress to my site, only to find out later that their servers do not support social networking based platform. I canceled my account. Where should i get my new domain name ? Any recommendations ?
alexilio joined the group Installing BuddyPress 14 years, 1 month ago
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