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  • @alfredojp


    @mercime i’m using the buddyboss theme. I ifgured out the problem to my first question…it was just taking out the code in the archive.php file



    how Would you remove that same information from the actual blog post?



    couldn’t you use the same basic technique as you would for displaying information for members int he profile header?



    for me the only one that saves is URL




    What did you do to the original code to make the entry save ?




    Hey so anything else about the my last post.

    I see thtat its saving in the groupmeta table in the database but when i go to look at it in the group details itself it doesn’t show anything in those fields. Not to mention I need for it to be searchable. Please let me know what i can do to help to make this something that the community can use.

    Please, you help is much appreciated



    @modemlooper thanks for the advice.

    I am using the plugin link code you gave me, thank you here’s the link to verify:

    I see thtat its saving in the groupmeta table in the database but when i go to look at it in the group details itself it doesn’t show anything in those fields. Not to mention I need for it to be searchable. Please let me know what i can do to help to make this something that the community can use. I’m a quick learner ( i think hehe).

    Any ideas how to solve that? have a look yourself



    I can’t thank you enough @modemlooper and @boonebgorges you have also been super helpful. I really have no need for the links so i took out line 9 all together and that error disappeared. I did however realize that when i create the group the information apart fromt he URL doesn’t stay saved and the all the information goes to a table int he database for group metadata. What do you think about a conditional statement that says if (first time run) then alter table wp-groups to add in more fields and then a good old INSERT INTO.
    just an INSERT INTO (wp-roups)

    what do you think about that?



    @modemlooper @boonebgorges

    It worked beautifully, thank you both for all of your help however underneath the description when i went to try it out it has a warning:
    `Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/caradaca/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Buddypress-group-fields/buddypress-group-fields.php on line 9`

    and when i created the group and then checked my settings none of the newly added fields were there until i added them again and hit “save settings”. I didn’t check the database to see if it was there or not. Does it do anything to the database?



    oooo wow….i’m gonna try it now



    I’m sorry, i really am quite lost! :(



    I’m sorry, i really am quite lost! :(




    hehe so should i put this in functions.php?



    @modemlooper @boonebgorges
    It would be nice if 1.5 was already capable of adding more fields like location, phone,, blah blah blah to the group creation process.

    But where do i put this? i already have another function in bp-custom.php.




    Thank you i’m starting to understand alot more……but where would this and the Group API code go?? in bp-custom.php or in functions.php?



    does the groups API code only create a new screen or can i also use it to create extra fields?



    I found one called gField but it doesn’t really work…it adds a location field but doens’t make any change tot he group table in the database.



    I found one called gField but it doesn’t really work…it adds a location field but doens’t make any change tot he group table in the database.



    @modemlooper (if me grabbing your attention this way is rude please let me know)
    Thanks…..but are you referring to the API or to the code i posted when you said i’ll have to edit core files. And yes it has been asked many times before but no one ever seems to complete it.

    Thank you for your time. :)



    @modemlooper did you see the other code i posted above? which one would be more appropriate to follow to create new fields in the group creation process?

    Thank for the confirmation that it creates a new screen. which is cool too but i also need extra fields for city, state, country, phone number and mestre(teacher)



    but what about the fields?



    so from looking at the code you were implementing something for group docs in the group creation process. am I correct? I get kind of confused because the more and more i look at the code the more and more i start to think that its purpose is to add another Screen to the group creation process and not specifically for more fields.
    Correct me if i’m wrong



    Hi @boonebgorges
    I’m not exactly sure how I save the data from the “create_screen_save()” and “edit_screen_save()” methods in the $_post. I know you’re busy but could you help me out with an exxample?

    Thank you for the help….i’m going to try what you just said to the best of my abilities

    I also ran across the post which you helped someone else on about 9 months ago…same basic problem.
    Here’s the link:

    What do you recommend? Any further help is appreciated



    Well adding another table came from another idea I had which was to basically copy everything that has to do with groups and group creations and group functions so that I could add more fields and have somthing of a database of Capoeria schools instead of just basic groups forums with names like “capoeira rocks socks”. ( ). but i decided that that would be chaotic and it would just be better to add fields to the existing group capabilities (fields for location/phone number).

    I found this for the front end markup.

    `function bp_extra_group_fields_markup() {
    // Put your form markup here, eg:

    add_action( ‘groups_custom_group_fields_editable’, ‘bbg_extra_group_fields_markup’ );`

    and this is for profesing the information:
    `function bbg_save_extra_group_details() {
    // Grab the $_POST data and do something with it. Simplified example:
    global $bp;
    if ( isset( $_POST ) )
    groups_update_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, ‘country’, $_POST );
    add_action( ‘groups_group_details_edited’, ‘bbg_save_extra_group_details’ );
    add_action( ‘groups_create_group_step_save_group-details’, ‘bbg_save_extra_group_details’ );`

    Please any and all help is welcome.



    Thank yo both for your input
    I’m pretty good with MySql but not so hot with PHP. I’ve spent two weeks trying to figure out how to add
    another field(s) to the group creation so that a few more fields would be standard for the groups (i already know about that plugin that lets group admin put in fields aftewards), hours and hours and hours on these same forums with little help. I ran across group extension API code ( ) but i have no idea how to use it. What do i add or edit so that i can have group fields (at creation) for city, state, country and phone number.

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