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  • @almase


    to bad that there isn`t a plugin to handle this.



    ok with this code it works in the comments too

    function bp_activity_comment_date_recorded_newformat( $date_recorded ) {
    	global $activities_template;
    	$root_blog_offset = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'gmt_offset' );
        $time_offset = $time + ( $root_blog_offset * 3600 );
      // Format the time using the offset and return it; date-i18n retrieves the date in localized format
      return '' . date_i18n("l, j. F Y - H:i:s", strtotime($activities_template->activity->current_comment->date_recorded) + $time_offset) . '';
    add_filter('bp_activity_comment_date_recorded', 'bp_activity_comment_date_recorded_newformat', 10, 2);



    i now have these codes in my function.php:

    function bp_activity_comment_date_recorded_newformat( $date_recorded ) {
    	global $activities_template;
    	$root_blog_offset = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'gmt_offset' );
        $time_offset = $time + ( $root_blog_offset * 3600 );
    	$timestamp_now = time();
    	$timestamp_comment_date_recorded = strtotime( $activities_template->activity->current_comment->date_recorded );
    	if (abs($timestamp_now - $timestamp_comment_date_recorded) > 0 * 0 * 0 /* (24 hours) */) {
    		// you can change the date format to "l, j. F Y - H:i:s"
    		$date_recorded = date_i18n( "l, j. F Y - H:i:s", $timestamp_comment_date_recorded );
    	return $date_recorded;
    add_filter('bp_activity_comment_date_recorded', 'bp_activity_comment_date_recorded_newformat', 10, 2);
    function format_activity_date() {
      // Get GMT offset from root blog
      $root_blog_offset = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'gmt_offset' );
      // Calculate offset time
      $time_offset = $time + ( $root_blog_offset * 3600 );
      // Format the time using the offset and return it; date-i18n retrieves the date in localized format
      return '' . date_i18n("l, j. F Y - H:i:s", strtotime($activityDate) + $time_offset) . '';
    add_filter('bp_activity_time_since', 'format_activity_date');

    The first posting in stream has now the right timezone, but not the comments… 🙁



    dont really understand.
    this code?

    	function bp_get_activity_comment_date_recorded() {
    		global $activities_template;
    		if ( empty( $activities_template->activity->current_comment->date_recorded ) )
    			return false;
    		$date_recorded = bp_core_time_since( $activities_template->activity->current_comment->date_recorded );
    		 * Filters the recorded date of the activity comment currently being displayed.
    		 * @since BuddyPress (1.5.0)
    		 * @param string|bool Date for the activity comment currently being displayed.
    		return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_comment_date_recorded', $date_recorded );

    and add to function.php?



    Ok i found here an other code:

    function format_activity_date() {
      // Get GMT offset from root blog
      $root_blog_offset = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'gmt_offset' );
      // Calculate offset time
      $time_offset = $time + ( $root_blog_offset * 3600 );
      // Format the time using the offset and return it; date-i18n retrieves the date in localized format
      return '' . date_i18n("l, M j, Y, g:ia T", strtotime($activityDate) + $time_offset) . '';
    add_filter('bp_activity_time_since', 'format_activity_date');

    The timezone is now the right one for the first posting in stream, but the comments in stream have now the wrong timezone…. 🙁



    I have the same problem 🙁

    Pls help!

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