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  • @apeatling Hi Andy

    I read a reply you sent to someone on avatars which leads me to believe you might be the person I need to help me out 🙂

    I am using the latest version of Buddypress & WordPress and am creating a site where I would like a slideshow/carousel of recently registered users (20 or so) to appear on the homepage. I have a carousel…[Read more]

  • Hello all, I am trying to create a rotator or Carousel on my Homepage of newest members possibly with a link to their profile.
    Does anyone know of a plugin or any code that would help?



  • @LPH2005 Hi LPH2005

    You gave someone else on the site some advice about placing the activity stream on their homepage. See below

    The code for the activity loop may be placed in the index.php page. Make sure you add the loop with the commenting…[Read more]

  • Hello

    I am looking to create a new homepage with a part Activity Stream.

    Could anyone tell me if there is a shortcode to place into a page to do this? i.e. [Activity]



  • Andy Whittaker posted a new activity comment 13 years, 10 months ago

    sorry the code is

    <img src="/images/PostHeaderIcon.png” width=”29″ height=”21″ alt=”” />
    <a href="” rel=”bookmark” title=””>

    Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ”, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>

  • @r-a-y Hi R-a-Y

    I am having problems aligning my new theme and to be honest have been through a lot of the forum page and dont seem to have the answer. Could you help please? If you can input and highlight the corected text on this html (my page.php file) then I can use that to fix the rest.

    Cheers R-a-Y

    <img…[Read more]

    • sorry the code is

      <img src="/images/PostHeaderIcon.png” width=”29″ height=”21″ alt=”” />
      <a href="” rel=”bookmark” title=””>

      Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ”, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>

    • Hi,

      That code snippet isn’t enough to go on. Can you preferably post a forum thread so other people can read and comment on your problem?

  • Andy Whittaker posted a new activity comment 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Paul, there was some strange clash with a plugin I uploaded. I’m not sure which one as Ideactivated them all.
    I am now struggling with updating my theme files for Buddypress if you ahve any suggestions? I’m not great with code but can usually pick it up.

    Thanks for the reply


  • Hi all, I am new to BuddyPress. I dont have an admin bar at the top of my site. Anyone know why?

    • Are you sure that you’re logged in? Plus, what versions of WordPress and BuddyPress are you using?

    • Hi Paul, there was some strange clash with a plugin I uploaded. I’m not sure which one as Ideactivated them all.
      I am now struggling with updating my theme files for Buddypress if you ahve any suggestions? I’m not great with code but can usually pick it up.

      Thanks for the reply


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