anindyaray posted an update 14 years ago
@mira360 Hi ! have you got any solution for the parallax thing ? please let me know if you get one !
Thanks -
anindyaray posted on the forum topic How to @mention multiple members ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
any suggestions ?
anindyaray posted on the forum topic How to add follow button to activity stream ? in the group BuddyPress Followers: 14 years ago
any help ?
anindyaray posted on the forum topic Is Theme edit neccessary after upgrading to BP-1.2.7 ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
anindyaray started the forum topic Is Theme edit neccessary after upgrading to BP-1.2.7 ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
What Theme edit is neccessary after upgrading to BP-1.2.7 from 1.2.6 ?
anindyaray posted an update in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 14 years ago
fantastic plugin, it will really help many buddypress fanatics
Thanks to the plugin developer .. -
anindyaray joined the group BP Group Hierarchy 14 years ago
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
welcome friend
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
yes the change the url of parallax div in the header.php’s near beginning of body tag
<div id="parallax">
change these urls to your need and also the
these in the head tag of the same file -
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
Now I have tested with the new version you provided, but I believe its not working either,
I’m really sorryfor my end, the deletion is working fine, but media “upload” is not working at all….
Have you checked with buddydev.com about his issue, please mention this issue in their forum, they may provide some solution …
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
as I told you, please change the folder name to bp-colours and it will work, then you will be able to test….
yes i do it, i try upload the theme to bp-thmes/bp-colours/ but no good, and i load to themes fotlder themes/bp-colours (this is your theme, cange the name folder) and no good.
I going to try to another site, and is good but no work the parallax images
That is the url to the new site, i tested.
ahhh!!!! here is the problem the urls…
jQuery(‘#parallax’).jparallax();i will change
yes the change the url of parallax div in the header.php’s near beginning of body tag
change these urls to your need and also the`
these in the head tag of the same file
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
please make sure to change the folder name to bp-colours from bp-colours-parallax, of the theme file I sent ..
I can not tested, becouse the theme not work good, look the screenshot:
as I told you, please change the folder name to bp-colours and it will work, then you will be able to test….
yes i do it, i try upload the theme to bp-thmes/bp-colours/ but no good, and i load to themes fotlder themes/bp-colours (this is your theme, cange the name folder) and no good.
I going to try to another site, and is good but no work the parallax images
That is the url to the new site, i tested.
ahhh!!!! here is the problem the urls…
jQuery(‘#parallax’).jparallax();i will change
yes the change the url of parallax div in the header.php’s near beginning of body tag
change these urls to your need and also the`
these in the head tag of the same file
Heare you have the last version of BP-Galery
Renenber you need upload the new Gallery Folder to your theme
Now I have tested with the new version you provided, but I believe its not working either,
I’m really sorryfor my end, the deletion is working fine, but media “upload” is not working at all….
Have you checked with buddydev.com about his issue, please mention this issue in their forum, they may provide some solution …
i thing is beter change de parallax library, becouse sure i will have more problems with another plugins
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
check with this :
http://rapidshare.com/files/437742323/bp-colours-parallax.rarI have not tested it with the chat plugin, but tested it with the bp-gallery and yes I’m facing the same problem, but i see that on version 1.0.3 of bp-gallery plugin huge updates had been made. so i would advice you to check with the latest version, as I donot have…[Read more]
anindyaray posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
I have made a try with a child theme of buddypress-default theme, with some demo images, its working ok, but didn’t tried with many plugins, can you indicate the plugins with which you are facing problem, so that I can test with the child theme I am working on and check whether there is same problem for me like in your case ?
First I would like to thank you for your cooperation, thanks.
It gives me problems with some plugins premium, which work perfectly with bp-default. The issue either because they have DIV / popup for execution.
In this plugin gallery because I can not remove the div that asks you to verify deletion, is behind the body, seeing no possibility of…[Read more]
If I prove or if you prefer? I’d rather have your child with plugins theme send me a link to download and taste. Would not take away much of your time, and I do not care because I have an installation with these plugins working. Would just change the subject to check. But it is just a suggestion, as you prefer.
Thanks for your help.
check with this :
http://rapidshare.com/files/437742323/bp-colours-parallax.rarI have not tested it with the chat plugin, but tested it with the bp-gallery and yes I’m facing the same problem, but i see that on version 1.0.3 of bp-gallery plugin huge updates had been made. so i would advice you to check with the latest version, as I donot have…[Read more]
work good, chat plugin work good, then the problem is on the bp-gallery, i will go to posted the problem and i´ll come back to the forum with the solution.
Thanks anindyaray, tahnk you very much
welcome friend
please make sure to change the folder name to bp-colours from bp-colours-parallax, of the theme file I sent ..
I can not tested, becouse the theme not work good, look the screenshot:
as I told you, please change the folder name to bp-colours and it will work, then you will be able to test….
yes i do it, i try upload the theme to bp-thmes/bp-colours/ but no good, and i load to themes fotlder themes/bp-colours (this is your theme, cange the name folder) and no good.
I going to try to another site, and is good but no work the parallax images
That is the url to the new site, i tested.
ahhh!!!! here is the problem the urls…
jQuery(‘#parallax’).jparallax();i will change
yes the change the url of parallax div in the header.php’s near beginning of body tag
change these urls to your need and also the`
these in the head tag of the same file
Heare you have the last version of BP-Galery
Renenber you need upload the new Gallery Folder to your theme
Now I have tested with the new version you provided, but I believe its not working either,
I’m really sorryfor my end, the deletion is working fine, but media “upload” is not working at all….
Have you checked with buddydev.com about his issue, please mention this issue in their forum, they may provide some solution …
i thing is beter change de parallax library, becouse sure i will have more problems with another plugins
anindyaray started the forum topic How to @mention multiple members ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
1. How to @mention multiple member , who are friends, at once ? 2. is it possible to add some drop box, to activity post form area, which will list avatar and name of friends , and on clicking @mention name will be added to the post form 3. How to add a “@mention this member” button […]
anindyaray started the forum topic How to add follow button to activity stream ? in the group BuddyPress Followers: 14 years ago
Like in bp-tricks.com , how to add a “Follow” button on the activity stream ?
anindyaray joined the group BuddyPress Followers 14 years ago
anindyaray posted on the forum topic How to modify avatar size in activity stream ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
any solutions please ?
anindyaray started the forum topic How to modify avatar size in activity stream ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
How to change or modify the the size of avatar images in activity stream ?
anindyaray posted on the forum topic Problem Implementing parallax in header of bp-default theme in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
thanks @mercime actually I was using this .
and it was creating the problem , now after I removed this line , its all ok …. but the other problem I mentioned about unable to change the default-header.jpg image from the default.css #header , it still persist … can you please show me some light […]
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