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  • @argoncobalt


    Never mind, <?php print_r( $current_user->user_nicename); ?> worked fine for me!



    Do you know how I can just create a custom BuddyPress template? I need to create it such that my client can enter the information herself manually (we are using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for that), and such that it can only be viewed once a user is logged in. It needs to say “Welcome [user]!” at the top.



    Thanks for letting me know. Just got in touch with my client to see if they would be okay with giving you access to our code base. Will let you know what they say.



    I’m wondering if maybe I should just ignore the warning then. Warnings aren’t the same as errors anyway, and everything is working just fine on the production site. I’m contemplating disabling warning messages for now.

    I’m just coming into the project now, I don’t know anything about the theme or where it came from. I assume my client had another developer build it at some point.



    I just pushed the entire site from live to staging again, overriding the BP upgrade, just to double check and make sure it actually was due to the upgrade, and the issue is still there. What’s funny is that the warning doesn’t show up on the live site. So it must be a problem due to the staging setup.



    Hi Paul, thanks for the tip. I tried doing that and the warnings went away. So it must have something to do with the theme. I’ll begin looking into it. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate hearing them. Thanks!

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