Alexander started the topic annoy problematic member plugin in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
Hey there, I thought I saw a few months back a buddypress plugin that allowed the site admin to define a particular user as problematic. This plugin supposedly made the user experience slow loading time and poor performance. Im searching for this plugin now but can’t find it. Does anyone know of a plugin as such and where I could download it? Thanks!
Alexander started the topic User confusion over Group forum and announcement page. in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
I’m noticing that my users seem to get confused between the functionality of the announcement tab of the group and the forum section of the group. Both allow users to post a message and receive […]
Alexander replied to the forum topic Buddypress + Multisite, Add New Site Option in the group Creating & Extending 12 years ago
@mercime Thanks! There it is. I could have sworn that there was also a button to add a new blog under the profile’s Sites tab. I know for a fact that there used to be that option in the top admin bar in the […]
Alexander started the forum topic Buddypress + Multisite, Add New Site Option in the group Creating & Extending 12 years ago
I’m running the latest version of BP with Multisite. Somehow, the option for registered members to add a create a new site has disappeared. In the Network Settings I have “Both sites and user accounts can be […]
Alexander started the forum topic ScholarPress – Salutations – Stylesheet in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware 13 years ago
I’m using the latest version of wordpress, buddypress and also the salutations theme. It seems to work except the styling leaves a lot of be desired. My main question is – how can I fix the styling?
Here is […]
Alexander joined the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware 13 years ago
Alexander replied to the forum topic ScholarPress – Cant Edit a Course – Help Getting Started in the group Third Party Components & Plugins 13 years ago
Ok, I network activated the plugin and got past the ‘edit course’ point. It would be nice to find the handbook to the plugin.
Alexander started the forum topic ScholarPress – Cant Edit a Course – Help Getting Started in the group Third Party Components & Plugins 13 years ago
I would like to give the ScholarPress plugin a shot – looks very promising, but I haven’t been able to successfully use it yet.
I’ve created a fresh install using the default theme and the latest version of […]
Alexander joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 13 years ago
Alexander replied to the forum topic Private Community – Limit what logged out users may see. in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
Cool, thanks – admittedly, I’m a little intimidated modifying the theme code, or adding new plugins. But, I have been itching to get my hands dirty under the hood and learn how to do wordpress specifici coding, […]
Alexander started the forum topic Private Community – Limit what logged out users may see. in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
I would like to encourage people to register and become a website member by limiting which parts of the buddypress website they can view. Ideally, I would like to designate which pages are only viewable to […]
Alexander started the forum topic Facebook Registration in the group Creating & Extending 13 years ago
Is there any way to allow for registration using Facebook credentials? Ideally the Facebook profile fields will be pulled and inserted into the BuddyPress profile fields, and then in the future the user can login […]
Alexander joined the group Creating & Extending 13 years ago
Alexander started the forum topic Update Notifications in the group Miscellaneous 13 years ago
I may be missing something here – I hope not. So, when a person has replies to their comments, they’re not being notified like they do when someone sends them a private message. Is there any way to configure […]
Alexander joined the group Miscellaneous 13 years ago
Alexander started the forum topic Reinstall Forum from Group to Sitewide in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
Originally I installed forum in a per group mode. I found the topic organization to be confusing in the group mode, and so now I would like to reinstall the forum with the site-wide option. How do I do […]
ashenkargmailcom started the forum topic New member registration queue in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
My registration settings send a confirmation email before a new user is approved. Prior to when a new user clicks on the link provided in the email, is there any record of them submitting the registration form – […]
ashenkargmailcom joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
Active 7 years, 10 months ago