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  • @ashley72


    Update, I did finally receive at activation email. After I did a resend activation after the first registration activation didn’t arrive after approx 10 mins. But it does not seem very reliable in my early tests. I will tried on few more different email addresses just to get a measure of how well it performs in general. But since it is the first experience one has with the website, failures are going to kill the traffic quick smart 🙁

    IMHO, account activation is a core function that needs to be super reliable.



    I can add a bit more to this. I have checked my wp_mailfunction on my wordpress. Using a simple php script.

    The mail is sending out as expected for several different email addresses I tried using wp_mail. So if BuddyPress uses the wp_mail function – the default installation must have configuration problem.



    I have the same problem. The lack of community support makes me feel this plugin may not be worth the effort.

    When you check the manage signups the new registered user is awaiting to be activated. It shows that an email has been sent. After you try and resend the activation email. It does trigger and add to the count – showing two emails sent. So it would seem most of the functionality is working. If I deactivate the plugin, my wordpress email notifications is working. I’ve checked the spam folder, and even tried non-gmail accounts and still getting no activation emails at all. However, I have received a buddypress notification when another member does a mention. So it appears some kind of small bug is the problem.

    Does any of the core developers for BuddyPress check theses support forums?

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