azadirect posted an update in the group BP Jobs Board 13 years, 3 months ago
I’m looking for a developer/firm/team who can help me determine whether BuddyPress is suitable for a our developer oriented community. If it’ll do the trick, we’ll want to engage someone in building, customizing, and implementing said solution. Please contact me if you’re a rockstar with BBpress and have experience building large online…[Read more]
azadirect posted an update in the group BP Jobs Board 13 years, 3 months ago
I am looking for an experienced BuddyPress developer/team/firm who can customize and deploy a buddypress implementation.
We have a number of custom requirements and would need to work with someone well versed in BuddyPress. This is for a developer community project we are launching in 2012.
Contact me if you’re interested or could recommend…[Read more]
azadirect joined the group BP Jobs Board 13 years, 3 months ago
Not recently active