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  • @bassibabes1


    Ah! I’ve tried that and I realised that I am also using the Membership 2 Pro Plugin. When I activate the BuddyPress integration with this Membership plugin, this is when the errors occur. However, when I deactivate this Membership Plugin and use the standard BuddyPress registration system, the registration doesn’t even work at all 🙁



    Ok thanks…I’ll try their support. Just need to get this sorted and it’s a tight deadline!



    Solved it! Changed the BuddyPress Templates to Legacy. Obviously Nouveau doesn’t work with the BuddyApp theme. Must have missed that in the documentation. Thanks again for your help.



    @venutius not that I know of! I’ve also just realised that there isn’t an ‘add friend’ button on the Members Directory page.

    I’m using the BuddyApp theme because it fits in with the design for my website, but I’m going to switch to another theme to see if that makes a difference.

    I have a lot of plugins doing all different things, but the issues are both the same when I deactivate everything… it’s very strange.



    @venutius yes from the Members directory



    @venutius YOU ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!!

    Works perfectly and EXACTLY what I needed!! Thanks so much 🙂 I owe you 😉



    hmmmm ok thanks…Lemme check it out now.



    Thanks for your reply @venutius .

    I’ve looked at, and installed, that plugin, but I can’t work out how to use the shortcode links as a URL for a button? Also I need to create links for URLs that aren’t listed on that plugin.

    Can you help me manipulate the code?



    Solved this!

    Used the code from this topic



    Hi @vapvarun the lack of shortcodes for some essential parts of a membership website is quite frustrating with BP! Lots of work in the code – especially for newbies. I’m fine with the way I have it for now though, thanks. I just wanted the form part, I don’t think it’s a good/easy way to have to create a whole page around a form. In fact, that’s not really how WP works anymore, with all the page builders and such which are so popular. But thanks for your help!

    I have another issue, which I’m gonna start a thread about! I’m sure you can help me with this one too 🙂



    Thanks @vapvarun but I’ve just changed the way I ask user to register now, as it seemed easier!



    Yep – seems to be working now. It was that patch of code. Thanks everyone and @smilingdeep



    OMG it’s worked!!!

    I think it was that patch! I just had to repair emails through the BuddyPress -> Tools functionality. Awesome!

    Will be testing a bit more now.




    That patch didn’t work for me 🙁


    That was leftover from the last plugin! Now, I’ve taken everything off, it doesn’t work again.



    @vapvarun yes, that’s because I had a bunch of plugins to make it work. I’ve deactivated them all now, so try it again?

    I’ve been working on this one problem for over two weeks. I’ve deactivated, re-installed, deleted and done everything multiple times. I might be missing something, but I can’t see what.



    At the moment, I have a plugin called BP Disable Activation Reloaded which has disabled the normal BP Activation system. Then another plugin called User Activation By E-Mail is sending out an email to user, which contains a button for them to click on. Then they can login and are supposed to be redirected to the activation page, where they need to complete a form for extra data.

    This is a complete hack workaround and I’m going to need to mess around with the user roles etc to get this working the way it needs to be.

    Obviously, LOTS of people have this issue and it’s not something that can be ignored because members can’t actually access the site without that email. For this to have been going on for a decade is a joke and makes the plugin a lot less value in general. I wouldn’t consider purchasing anything without this working.




    Just in testing mode at the moment.



    @vapvarun Yeah, I’ve tried numerous different Email plugins – they ALL work in every way APART from sending the BP activation email.

    – yes that menu item only changes the look of the emails and has no impact on functionality.



    I am having the exact same problem. I’m using a GSuite account, and have setup my emails on the WP site using GMail SMTP. I can send test emails from this plugin and am email comes from WP if I go through the Lost Password process. But NO activation email! ARGH!

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