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  • Upon removing the Theme My Login plugin from my installation, this issue has been resolved. Unfortunately this plugin was an integral part of the site. If I can find a fix or a replacement, I will post back for anyone experiencing this issue.

  • Thak you Anrea_r I am not returning a PHP error. I checked the log file and saw nothing out of the ordinary, then turned error reporting on and set to E_ALL to display on screen, and again received no error. I created my own page with a php error just to make that it was […]

  • Yes, I re-ran the forum installation with same result. I don’t see a problem with the forum setup, especially because it works when multisite is disabled.
    When I manually upgraded to 3.0.4, I overwrote config and htaccess files with default values, I had to update these files with multisite settings to ‘re-enable’.

  • Actually, I had a Multisite install running WP 3.0. Everything working correctly. Upgraded to 3.0.4, re-enabled multisite, now i have a problem. If I turn off multisite the forum works just fine. Once I turn it on, I get white screen when submitting in forum.

  • Thank for the replies. I will try posting over in the WordPress forums. I did re-run the Permalink Settings with the same result. Do I need to make any changes to my bb-config.php file to run multisite? It is not mentioned anywhere in the multisite documentation, but it seems that bb-press is involved on the […]

  • I have recently uprgraded to WP 3.0.4 and BP 1.2.7. My PHP version is 5.2.17 When I enable multisite, the BP forum as well as other forms in BP results in white screen when submitted. For example, Go to Group -> Forum -> Post New Topic -> Submit -> page refreshes with blank white screen. […]

  • I am using the BP Template Pack plugin to use my custom theme on BP. BP runs nicely within the theme, with the exception of the ScholarPress Courseware plugin within groups. The plugin works correctly in the default BP theme, but upon activation of the custom theme, is missing odd elements, specifically, the plugin cant […]

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