Selu Vega joined the group BP Labs 13 years, 9 months ago
Selu Vega started the forum topic Just an Idea. in the group Invite Anyone: 13 years, 9 months ago
Im making a contest about people inviting people to the site, its not having a lot of success but thats not the point, the point its could be posible to hack the widget in the way that accepts html code on the message, then I could use an image for making more atractive the action […]
Selu Vega started the forum topic Hi, Im not able to get the event listed on Achievements creation! in the group Achievements: 13 years, 9 months ago
Nothing appears when I click on event selection for and a achievement… any clues?
Selu Vega joined the group Achievements 13 years, 9 months ago
Selu Vega posted on the forum topic Cloudsponge and Custom Message can't save the settings. in the group Invite Anyone: 13 years, 9 months ago
Thanks really for fast response, I really appreciate your work!!! Im your fan!! Everything its fixed… actually on a complex social network as I getting most time You can not say when is a bug, or a plugin conflict!
Selu Vega started the forum topic Cloudsponge and Custom Message can't save the settings. in the group Invite Anyone: 13 years, 9 months ago
This its probably the most weird thing ever happend to me on buddypress, the plugins seems works properly, but if I active cloudsponge, which I get one month paying, the general settings they got reset to old and wrong message, but, if I change again the general settings, and save, cloudsponge get deactivate!!! I actually […]
Selu Vega joined the group Invite Anyone 13 years, 9 months ago
Selu Vega posted an update in the group BuddyPress Activity Plus: 13 years, 10 months ago
It will be possible to get the preview as soon as you type the adress on main activity text area like facebook?
Selu Vega joined the group BuddyPress Activity Plus 13 years, 10 months ago
Selu Vega posted on the forum topic New try to use gpress!! in the group gPress: 13 years, 10 months ago
should I translate all VAR? or just place, cause I tried and Its not working!
Selu Vega started the forum topic New try to use gpress!! in the group gPress: 13 years, 10 months ago
Hi Mark, how you doing, im trying to use gpress on another website with buddypress, and Im very interested on people uploading places from frontend… everything seems to goes allright but the kind of place selection, its not showing nothing, obviously if you haven´t got the type, you are not able to save the new […]
Selu Vega posted on the forum topic Huge apologies – I'm back! in the group BuddyPress Like: 13 years, 10 months ago
I want to be tester!!! thats a such a great news you´re elected and back
Selu Vega joined the group BuddyPress Like 13 years, 10 months ago
Selu Vega posted a new activity comment 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi sven, Firstable, I translated to spanish if you want to include on the next versión, actually it is working, but has a few bug, no too much, i can tell you the two most important too much.
When two persons are friends already nothing happens, it should be a message giving you an advice, SOMETHING LIKE THOSE PERSONS ALREADY KNOW EACH…[Read more]
This exactly how Selu Vega said , it works with 2 people who doesn’t know each other = logicaly , but or before a giving you the names to whom you want to suggest , the system should remove the list of “already friends” and gives you only people who doesn’t know that member or after clicking a submit there should be a immediate message like on…[Read more]
Selu Vega posted an update in the group BuddyPress Introduce: 13 years, 11 months ago
Its not working on my site!!! I send the invitations nut nothing happend!!!
neither for me , there’s no plugin explanation , screenshots small , after sending the introduction , there’s no message received , looks like very interesting small plugin but unfortunately NOT WORKING at all
Do you have php5?
Please tell me what does not work so I can improve the plugin.
Hello Sven ,
Yes I have PHP 5 , I have bluehost and latest buddypress and also latest WordPress version , all my installation is 1 week new , I have read now post from SELU VEGA , he says if 2 persons already knows each other , nothing is going to happen = logicaly , I think that maybe it was my problem (it gaved no message , there were no…[Read more] -
Hello Sven ,
Yes I have PHP 5 , I have bluehost and latest buddypress and also latest WordPress version , all my installation is 1 week new , I have read now post from SELU VEGA , he says if 2 persons already knows each other , nothing is going to happen = logicaly , I think that maybe it was my problem (it gaved no message , there were no…[Read more]
why not?
what happened?-
Hi sven, Firstable, I translated to spanish if you want to include on the next versión, actually it is working, but has a few bug, no too much, i can tell you the two most important too much.
When two persons are friends already nothing happens, it should be a message giving you an advice, SOMETHING LIKE THOSE PERSONS ALREADY KNOW EACH…[Read more]
This exactly how Selu Vega said , it works with 2 people who doesn’t know each other = logicaly , but or before a giving you the names to whom you want to suggest , the system should remove the list of “already friends” and gives you only people who doesn’t know that member or after clicking a submit there should be a immediate message like on…[Read more]
Selu Vega posted an update in the group BuddyPress Introduce: 13 years, 11 months ago
I translated the plugin to spanish, if you give me an mail i will send to you!!
my email dev@sven-gak.de
Selu Vega joined the group BuddyPress Introduce 13 years, 11 months ago
Selu Vega posted on the forum topic BuddyStream Goliath Translations in the group BuddyStream: 13 years, 11 months ago
I ve got the half spanish translation that i agreed with josemv this is the file… http://uploading.com/files/63324d41/facebook-flickr-lastfm-rss.zip/
good luck!!!
Selu Vega posted on the forum topic Rate anything: new plugin in development, soliciting architecture advice in the group Creating & Extending: 13 years, 11 months ago
If you need some spanish translation, you can count on me.
Selu Vega posted on the forum topic BuddyStream Goliath Translations in the group BuddyStream: 13 years, 11 months ago
that sounds fantastic to be able to share the task (suena fantástico poder compartir la traducción) for me, facebook, flickr, last fm and rss!!! I will have surely for tomorrow, and we can share here the files, or i can send to your mail and send again all together!!! Y de paso si quieres repasamos […]
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Active 9 years, 5 months ago