3 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I’m reviving this thread as I am trying to close this account that I haven’t used for years, and will not longer use.
I’ve looked every where in my account settings but could not find anything.
Thank you for your help.
15 years, 9 months ago
thanks jalien for this post, very informative, clear and easy to understand.
i know i’m a bit late on that topic but i do agree that it should almost be a core feature to be able to switch language file.
I’m not talking about having the content translation feature, but the front/back end stuff, basically anything showing on the localization file.
So a user can decide his default language (among the available ones) for the site.
It only makes sense: MU for WordPress MU, for BuddyPress/WordPress MU, for MUlti users, for MUlti blogs and for MUlti language.
I’ve done some research and could not find a black/white solution. it’s seems to be in the grey zone at the moment.
Has anybody been able to achieve this yet?