@mercime , now I see, that each other blogs have the possibility to activate Buddypress – How can I fit it? I only want, that spirituell.ws can use the Buddypress from wandlungen.org… Each other not.
Then I have see, that the Userimages are not loading:
It seems to be the right solution for me. Because the other I don’t want, that they have the Buddypress into their blogs – But with the Template I can do this selection of wich blog can, and witch not…
Yes, it’s the domain mapping that points to spirituell.ws – It’s a Memberblog of wandlungen.ort, that has a WP Multisite installation with Buddypress.
There are the same members… The only way to register is trought wandlungen.org. And I have the same Members from wandlungen.org that can write blogposts to spirituell.ws, but not all, only those that I have selected manually (from the wandlungen.org members).