3 years, 7 months ago
What I just did it set the “signup_email” input to display: none and added this script to populate the email input with the username and generate a ‘fake’ email address username@domain.com.
window.onload = function() { const domain = "@domain.com"; var userName = document.getElementById("signup_username"), var emailAddress = document.getElementById("signup_email"); userName.addEventListener('input', function() { emailAddress.value = userName.value + domain.valueOf(); }); };
Very open for better suggestions 🙂
Hi metalhead, long time since your last post. But I’ve been banging my head for a couple of hours trying to do something similar.
I’ve hidden the email field, and set a default value to it (account@email.com).
But whenever registering a new user, it’s blocked by the “existing email” error.
Have you found a better solution? Or what was your way to set the value to the signup_email?