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  • @boruchsiper


    Thanks @pagondel I was looking for a solution to his problem for a while now.



    @mercime Thanks. I’ll try your suggestion and see how it works out. The reason i want to do this is because the bp css and js seams to work best with the bp default theme. Before posting here I tried converting my existing theme using one of the links you referred to above, but it doesn’t work as smoothly as having the default bp theme. Besides, having the site look different on its social networking part isn’t that bad of an idea.



    @merciime The tutorials you linked to shows how to make buddypress pages look like the wordpress theme. What I want to accomplish is to have my regular wordress pages have it’s own theme, and use the default buddypress theme (that comes bundled with the plugin) for BP specific pages. In essence I want to use two themes on the same wordpress install.

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