Norman Pemper joined the group Secure Invites 15 years ago
Norman Pemper posted on the forum topic Password controlled signup? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Drop me a line, I’d be happy to give you feedback. As it is I think I’m going to have to modify a security mod.
Norman Pemper started the forum topic Password controlled signup? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Anyone know of a way to restrict sign-up/registrations to those who are given a specific cod-word? I’m building a site for a parent association for my daughter’s school and we want to make sure that only those who are parents will be able to create accounts. Having a specific field with a code-word I could […]
Norman Pemper posted on the forum topic Can't find Site Admin link & Setting up a single blog in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
When I go to http://www.mysite.com/wp-login.php?action=register it resets me to the home page…
Norman Pemper posted on the forum topic Can't find Site Admin link & Setting up a single blog in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
I can access the wp-admin, but shouldn’t there be a link on the admin sidebar titled “Site Admin” where you can control registrations amongst othe things?
The Meta widget doesn’t show the registration link. Only Login.
Norman Pemper started the forum topic Can't find Site Admin link & Setting up a single blog in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
I am using WP 3.0 and BP and I have no link to Site Admin. I can’t activate registrations.
In addition, I’m trying to figure out how to make a link to the main blog. Users don’t have blogs, but I want to use the main blog as news.
Any help?
Norman Pemper joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 15 years ago
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