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  • @btccvagmailcom


    I checked the script in xdebug in phpstorm, all the necessary scripts are registered, the variables have values, the only problem on the wp_footer hook is not the add_action function (‘wp_footer’, ‘gglcptch_add_scripts’); which connects scripts to the buddypress comment form page.

    Template pack nouveau displays a comment form using ajax. The function in which the necessary scripts are registered in the new template pack is called using ajax. In the old template pack legacy, the output of the comment form on the page was done without ajax. It seems to me that (js)scripts are not connected to the page for this reason. Please share your opinion on this. thank



    I installed the query monitor plugin, it does not give any errors. I also tried to replace wp_footer with wp_enqueue_scripts, unfortunately this did not help either.



    I checked the script in xdebug in phpstorm, all the necessary scripts are registered, the variables have values, the only problem on the wp_footer hook is not the add_action function (‘wp_footer’, ‘gglcptch_add_scripts’); which connects scripts to the buddypress comment form page.



    That’s right.



    That’s right, at the moment captcha is not working.

    if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( ‘buddypress_comments’, $is_user_logged_in ) ) {
    add_action( ‘bp_activity_entry_comments’, ‘gglcptch_buddypress_comments_display’ );
    if ( ! $gglcptch_ip_in_whitelist ) {
    add_action( ‘bp_activity_before_save’, ‘gglcptch_buddypress_comments_check’ );

    I call this function

    /* display google captcha in BuddyPress comments form */
    if ( ! function_exists( ‘gglcptch_buddypress_comments_display’ ) ) {
    function gglcptch_buddypress_comments_display() {
    printf( ‘<div class=”ac-reply-content ac-reply-content-gglcptch”>%s</div>’, gglcptch_display() );

    Further, in the gglcptch_display () function, the scripts are registered and connected.

    wp_register_script( ‘gglcptch_api’, $api_url, $deps, $gglcptch_plugin_info[‘Version’], true );
    add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘gglcptch_add_scripts’ );

    in this place add_action (‘wp_footer’, ‘gglcptch_add_scripts’); the wp_footer hook does not work, control reaches it, but the hook does not work, and the function itself gglcptch_add_scripts () is not called. On the old template pack legacy, everything works well, and on the template pack nouveau, this bug manifests.



    Could you tell me please why Javascript scripts are not connected on the page of the comment form buddypress with template pack Nouveau? Can you advise something to solve this problem? Thanks



    Hi, Could you tell me which hooks can be used instead of bp_activity_entry_comments and bp_activity_before_save in the template pack: BuddyPress nouveau.
    Thank you so much.

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