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Wait.. sorry guys I might have fixed it
Looks like an action I added to the signup process was missing a return; !
Just waiting for a few people to test it to confirm and will reply back here if there’s still a problem.
Just upgraded to 1.1.3 and still not working
sorry for repeat post but if anyone has any advice please let me know!
Just to confirm I’ve tested it with the BuddyPress default theme now and it’s still saving the wrong hash in the database for some reason :S
The signup-password POST data is definitely being delivered to the signups backend PHP… so I can’t work out why it wouldn’t be saving it correctly…
Hold up, I think I’ve worked it out…
I was using (shorthand): ‘if ( bp_has_site_videos) while (bp_has_site_videos)’
When I wanted to be using: ‘while (bp_site_videos)’
.. without the ‘_has’.
I hope i got that right.
I read one of the moderators here recently say that, at present, this would require re-writing part of the search functionality (if not the whole thing)
Not sure though, as I haven’t looked into it myself.
Ok finally fixed it with some core code hacking
Here’s my patch solution for anyone wanting to replace default avatars and disable gravatars:
in bp-core-avatars.php, function bp_core_fetch_avatar():
I replaced this:
$gravatar = apply_filters( 'bp_gravatar_url', '' ) . md5( $grav_email ) . '?d=' . $default_grav . '&s=' . $grav_size;
with this line:
$gravatar = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/new-default.jpg';
then in bp-core-templatetags.php, function bp_get_signup_avatar():
replaced this line:
return apply_filters( 'bp_get_signup_avatar', '<img src="' . $gravatar_url . md5( $_POST['signup_email'] ) . '?d=' . $default_grav . '&s=' . $size ) . '" width="' . $size . '" height="' . $size . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" />';
with these:
$default_grav = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/new-default.jpg';
return apply_filters( 'bp_get_signup_avatar', '<img src="' . $default_grav . '"' ) . '" width="' . $size . '" height="' . $size . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="' . $class . '" />';Also added a filter to functions.php as it was sometimes returning an image tag with an empty src (broken avatars) – it checks for the empty tag and replaces it with the default:
Note: BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT was defined in my bp-custom.php file.
function no_empty_avatar($avatar_link) {
if ( strpos( $avatar_link, "src=''" ) ) {
$avatar_link = str_replace("src=''", "src='" . BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT . "'", $avatar_link );
return $avatar_link;
add_filter( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar', 'no_empty_avatar' );Hope this helps someone in future..
If anyone has a better solution without hacking the core files, please let me know!
Wow, I’ve tried everything now (obviously except the one thing that works…)!
Anybody got any clues? Thanks!
Throwing this into bp-custom.php…
function remove_xprofile_links() {
remove_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 2, 2 );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'remove_xprofile_links' );
…worked for me.
If you don’t have a bp-custom.php file, create one and put that code in it, then save it into the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
For the record, I’ve got this in bp-custom.php:
/* Set default image for BP users without avatar: */<br />
define ( 'BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT', get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/_inc/images/default-full.png' );<br />
define ( 'BP_AVATAR_DEAFULT_THUMB', get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/_inc/images/default-thumb.png' );<br />OK That did the job!
I had to do a bit more tweaking in the AJAX to make sure it was posting the ‘type’. From there I was able to put that into the hidden input and it was all fine and dandy.
Out of interest, what did you mean by:
…but keep in mind that it’s bad practice to refer to any variable directly in the template;
Thanks JJJ, I’ll try it and get back!