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  • @budskab
    The code I provided calls the current user dynamically if that is what you are wondering. Even thought it is one link it will take each user to their edit profile field group you created. Feel free to experiment around with it. Try these as well:

    <a href="<?php global $current_user; echo home_url() . '/' . $current_user->user_login .…
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  • @budskab
    This link should work below. You could also add an image to replace the text providing you know some basic html.

    <a href="<?php global $current_user; echo home_url() . '/' . $current_user->user_login . '/profile/edit/group/2/'; ?>">Edit My Profile</a></div>

  • @budskab
    They are not visible until the user fills them out. In the My Account Menu at the top right hover over it and select Profile/Edit. When you are on the next screen below the profile tabs you will see “Base” and whatever other field group you created. By default you will be on “Base” these fields are the ones that correspond with your…[Read more]

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