cappazushi replied to the topic How can I use BuddyPress XProfile fields to build a dynamic CV? in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 10 months ago
The developer’s site may be lame, but he developed a much needed (if incomplete) plugin for BuddyPress. It isn’t slowing down my test site, by the way.
I’d just like to figure out to modify it to work…well, fully. I’ll be using it for listing collections, by the way — not resumes.
If you can’t help, then, thanks for the bumps. Be nice.
cappazushi replied to the topic How can I use BuddyPress XProfile fields to build a dynamic CV? in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 10 months ago
I know this thread is over a month old, but I have a question about this plugin. Has anyone successfully modified it to allow for the editing of entries? It looks like the only options are add and delete. “Edit” would really make this plugin complete, though.
I plan on using it for something a little different than resumes, and my using will…[Read more]
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