Carlos joined the group Learninglog 14 years ago
Carlos started the forum topic Reply Button in Group Forum in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I’m trying to get the reply button in the group forum to appear at the end of each comment instead of at the end of the page. Any suggestions?
Carlos joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years ago
Carlos posted on the forum topic Responses/Exporting Grades in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware: 14 years ago
Thank you for the response and for the plugin! The need for private responses comes from the possibility of using this feature as a way to test students (short answers) and not provide the entire group the answers. The other thing I noticed that may help teachers speed up their grading process and make the […]
Carlos started the forum topic Responses/Exporting Grades in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware: 14 years ago
Is there a way to make student responses only visible to the teacher/admin?
Can grades be exported?
Carlos joined the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware 14 years ago
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