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  • @circuit


    solved by creating a redirect.



    i set my wordpress timezone to ‘Chicago’ to fix this. not ideal at all/ i’ve yet to see what effect this has on the rest of the site.



    to be fair to the OP, i think the buddypress admin bar documentation is quite difficult to follow. i imagine that it would be even more difficult for anyone whose first language is not english.

    (for example: “To change a function that is triggered by an action you have to unhook the current function that responds to the action and supply your own function that replaces the core function and then replace the add_action() call with one that responds to the same hook as the original function.”…)



    detective’s fix worked for me. thank you.






    try renaming the theme folder to ‘default’



    i’m adding this to functions.php and it’s killing my bbpress integration (which calls wp-load.php in the header). i just get a white page.

    /* Kill the wp-signup.php if custom registration signup templates are present */
    function bp_core_wpsignup_redirect() {
    if ( false === strpos( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-signup.php') )
    return false;

    if ( locate_template( array( 'registration/register.php' ), false ) || locate_template( array( 'register.php' ), false ) )
    wp_redirect( bp_root_domain() . BP_REGISTER_SLUG );
    add_action( 'signup_header', 'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );



    Did you disable it, click OK, enable it, click OK? This is what fixed it for me.



    i’ve made some progress by installing the community blogs plugin.

    the user’s roles in blog 1 are still removed when they create their own blog, but the plugin corrects this behaviour as soon as the page is reloaded.

    this is definitely not a perfect solution but it’s all i can do.

    i still have one problem, though. this plugin will not allow me to specify ‘subscriber’ – only ‘contributor’. i tried fiddling with the code and couldn’t get this to work. if anyone could help me hack this together, i would really appreciate it.



    Hey Xevo, how far did you get with this? I think my problem may be related.



    my second-level menus aren’t popping out on bbpress. i tried the fix on the first page of the thread but the CSS file is different in newer versions of buddypress. can anyone suggest a solution, please?

    /* third-and-above-level lists */

    #wp-admin-bar ul li ul ul {
    margin: -28px 0 0 183px;

    #wp-admin-bar ul li:hover ul, #wp-admin-bar ul li li:hover ul, #wp-admin-bar ul li.sfhover ul, #wp-admin-bar ul li ul li.sfhover ul { /* lists nested under hovered list items */
    left: auto;

    #wp-admin-bar ul li.align-right:hover ul {
    right: 0;

    #wp-admin-bar ul li:hover ul ul, #wp-admin-bar li.sfhover ul li ul {
    left: -999em;



    this has also happened for me, and i did have it turned on. disabling and re-enabling it did the trick.

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