Active 4 years, 11 months ago
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God daaaaamn it work !!!!!!
function dashboardStats($member_group_ids = NULL) { $member_group_ids = groups_get_user_groups(get_current_user_id()); foreach( $member_group_ids["groups"] as $id ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $id) ); echo '<pre>'; var_dump( $id ); echo '</pre>'; } $setting = groups_get_groupmeta( $id, 'entreprise_statistiques_setting' ); $setting2 = groups_get_groupmeta( $id, 'entreprise_statistiques_setting2' ); ?> <div id="stats"> <script>StatHatEmbed.render({s1: '<?php echo($setting); ?>', w: 760, h: 235, tf:'month_compare', style:'fill', title:'<?php echo($setting2); ?>'});</script> </div> <?php if ($setting == NULL) { echo ("Aucun site internet détecté, merci de contacter l'équipe COMMIUM."); } if (isset($setting)) { echo ("test"); } else { echo ("notest"); } var_dump($setting); var_dump($setting2); }
I added new function, you touched me by saying “You should probably hire a developer”, so i searched 😀
Thanks again my friend for your help ! it’s soooo peaceful to solve a problem..Ok i understand now ! problem solved thanks 😉
i used this code on an other page (dashboard) to display the stats functionnality but it didn’t worked..
function display2( $member_group_ids = NULL ) { $setting = groups_get_groupmeta( $member_group_ids, 'entreprise_statistiques_setting' ); $setting2 = groups_get_groupmeta( $member_group_ids, 'entreprise_statistiques_setting2' ); $member_group_ids = groups_get_user_groups(bp_loggedin_user_id()); ?> <div id="stats"> <script>StatHatEmbed.render({s1: '<?php echo($setting); ?>', w: 760, h: 235, tf:'month_compare', style:'fill', title:'<?php echo($setting2); ?>'});</script> </div> <?php if ($setting == NULL) { echo ("Aucun site internet détecté, merci de contacter l'équipe COMMIUM."); } } echo display2();
Thanks @shanebp for informations, i tried with $member_group_ids, it’s take the good user group id but it’s didn’t take the $setting and $setting2 variable, they are empty but in group page they aren’t.. i don’t know why.
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